Chapter 3

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"Do we have to keep working? I'm dying." My friend Mia whined as she collapsed her head, and arm on the wooden table and started banging her head. Being so dramatic.

We were in the library at 9am on a Saturday morning working on homework. Papers, essays, math, so much I had to do, so little time. I pushed my glasses up as I began typing fiercely on my MacBook.

I'm doing a 16 page paper on the history of Egypt. It didn't have to be 16 pages, but it's so much to talk about when it came to Egypt, that it was only right that I do it justice. Right? I mean, come on?

"Kelsei, can we at least take a break? It's so fucking early, I can't even believe I let you drag me out the bed for this bullshit," Mia complained and whined.

"Nobody is in this library but us. I wanted to get ready to go to this Pretty Nasty party tonight. You need to come out too, get out of these damn books."

"No thanks," I said as I pushed my glasses up and I continued to type my thoughts on the ancient history of the pyramids, an-. My bad I'm doing it again.

I have to stop myself or I'll keep running my mouth about things no one really seems to find interesting besides me. And this chapter would be long as hell.

So I guess I'll start out by introducing myself. My name is Kelsei with an I. Obviously. Don't know why I was being dubbed the NERD in this book.

Clearly, I had a 4.0 GPA. In school on a full academic scholarship. I played several instruments, speak 3 different languages fluently if I might add, and I prefer to be alone. Unless I'm surrounded by people who like to have intelligent conversations such as myself.

How am I a damn nerd? Don't answer that let me have my moment. It doesn't make sense? Because I'm smart? I'm not going to waste time analyzing why I'm even partaking in this book.

Just something to get my thoughts out I guess.

"When's the last time you even went to a party? When was the last time you got some? Huh? Every girl needs a man every now, and then to get them right in life," Mia continued.

I rolled my eyes, continuing to type my paper. She smacked her teeth with an eye roll as she pushed her hair back.

Mia was that kind of friend that encouraged you to have fun, not even thinking about the consequences later on. She's literally wild as fuck. Will get you in some shit, and make you have to think on your feet about how to get out of it, and that's if you can.

I can't do that. I overthink, analyze, and become nervous when things aren't going as planned. I have to know what's happening, how, who, what, when, and where at all times. Her ass will have me on a whole panic attack 10x. I'm good.

I need to predict the outcome so I can make a formal decision on whether or not I will do it. But. She was the only true friend that I have, and the only one who knew just about everything about me.

I can always count on her to have a wild night, but Today? Going out to a party tonight? Excuse my language but fuck no. I didn't have time, nor do I care to go.

"Are you listening Kells?" Mia asked, using my nickname as I looked at her through my glasses. "When was the last time you got you some?" "It's been over a year," I mumbled rolling my eyes.

"Can we do it like the old times? Go out, find some random fine ass niggas, one night stand them mothafuckas, and bounce before they wake up?

What happened to my cold heartless girl that used to be like, fuck it. Let's just do it," she said as I struggled to keep from smiling. "That was with much needed alcohol Mia," I smirked, thinking back.

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