Chapter 10

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Thank God it was Friday. I had grocery shopping to do, papers, homework. So much I wanted to get done. Books I wanted to read. I didn't know what was going on with my roommates, but suddenly Ossy, and Kole became a thing.

Mia couldn't stop talking about those two, and Mari wouldn't come out her room, and if she did she became so mean, so nasty, and more than usual towards me. Whoever she was mad at, I almost wanted to go off on them because I didn't like being her constant target.

Kenton hasn't called me back since, and I was grateful. Mia was of course upset I didn't get a chance to mention her, but she got over it. He was an asshole. I couldn't even imagine myself being around him no longer than 5 minutes.

Anyways,I was in my car heading to my favorite gas station to fill her up for the weekend. Had no plans other than to buy a few drinks, relax in my room, and write music.

Everyone else was going out to party for the night as usual. It was a football game tomorrow. Big time rival so everyone was running around trying to prepare for that.

Like I said, I don't care. I came to school to get my degree, and move on. Shame I didn't have as much sex as I would like to because I was definitely starting to feel like I was way overdue. Last guy I had sex with became so clingy, it turned violent.

That's why I waited so long before I did anything. Now? I was definitely feeling like it was time. Maybe because my batteries died in both vibrators, and I was too lazy to buy another pack. Who knows?

Maybe I could go out and find someone. Mia wanted to set me up with one of her guy friends, but I didn't want anyone that I had to look at on the yard. Had to be someone off campus, out of sight, out of mind.

So of course, God works in mysterious ways, whose truck do I see once again at the gas station? This time it was only one black truck, black rims, tinted completely, with no music blasting. I pulled up to the pump in front of it, praying it wasn't Kenton.

It was freaking 11 o clock in the morning, what the hell was he even doing here? I checked myself in the mirror, before stopping myself. What in the world did I care what I looked like? It was my usual get up only this time Nike pro shorts, and a hoodie with my hair up. Glasses on as I stepped out, counting my money.

I tried my hardest not to look up when I heard the truck door open, and close. Kelsei don't look, not even a glance in that direction. May just be another guy you don't know...Fuck it. I looked up seeing Kenton staring down at his phone, looking like he just woke up.

Locs pulled back, basic t-shirt with sweats, Nikes slides with socks. Gold chain, and diamond stud in each ear. Tattoos stood out on his brown skin against the white shirt as he looked my way. Lifting his head up, I just gave him a short smile. No need to be mean if he wasn't coming at me disrespectfully like last time.

"What's good?" He said from his truck as I walked around my car. "What are you doing here?" I asked curiously. "It's so many other gas stations in Atlanta." "Fuck kind of question is that?" He laughed.

"I just dropped a few chicks off at ya school. Needed some gas, so this is the one I stopped at. Not trying to follow you or nothing, I stopped calling yo ass after how you did me the other day."

"You did that to yourself," I mumbled, walking past him to go inside. He followed behind me, no doubt watching me walk. I'm surprised he had nothing blunt, or obnoxious to say. Usually he was loud, and over the top, but right now? With those sleepy eyes, he looked like he was just trying to wake up.

We both walked to the back at the drink section, same exact place where we first met. I couldn't help but smile to myself. This was crazy. I can't even believe I keep running into this guy. "What's so funny?" He asked in a low voice, looking at me with a serious face.

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