Chapter 7

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He threw his arms around my neck and started kissing me.

I was not supposed to feel this way.

I was not supposed to feel this way, when another guy was kissing me. I was not supposed to feel butterflies in my stomach. I was not supposed to kiss him back.

But I did. Maybe I might not be 'normal', but at the moment, I really didn't care. I would deal with that later. All I cared about was Damien and his lips.

He was an amazing kisser. Was that a weird thing to say about another dude?

One of his hands started trailing down my chest, after he realized I was kissing him back. I think he was shocked at first, because when I kissed him back, he froze for a second.

Kissing him felt ten times better than kissing any girl I've been with before.

I wasn't sure what that meant, but I would figure it out later.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, pushing him closer to my body.

I could feel my dick hardening in my jeans.

Oh shit, this was bad. I might not be as straight as I thought I was.

Well, I hope he didn't notice.

My lips left his, but not for long. He started kissing his way down my neck and-

Loud knocking on the door.

Fuck. I completely forgot about Hazel and Rose. And it seemed like Damien did too.

I jumped away from Damien immediately. "Dame, are you in there?" Hazel asked through the door.

Both me and Damien were at loss for words, until another knocks on the door came. "Hello?"

"Y-Yes. I'm here, Hazel, I'm on my way." He said, as calmly as he could. Then he looked at me. We were looking at each other for a minute, in utter disbelief at what had just happened, before he left my room and disappeared into the hall.


I didn't expect him to kiss me back. I had nothing to lose, he already hated me, so I just went for it. But I expected him to push me away, not closer to him. But, hey, I wasn't complaining. His lips on mine felt a lot better when he was actually kissing me back, not just sitting there like a frozen statue. When we were making out in his room and he pulled me closer, I could feel it.

He got hard.

I couldn't believe he liked guys too. When I kissed him for the first time, he punched me in the face. It wasn't easy to explain to Jason and Minho why I had a bruise on my jaw.

It's not like I could just tell them, Oh its actually because when I was in the closet with Kieran, I kissed him and he punched me for it.

I told them I fell on the concrete when I was walking home, drunk. Which they had believed immediately and laughed in my face. Dickheads.

"Earth to Damien!" Rose screamed and I turned to look at her.

"Wow, you finally got out of it. We are already here, in case you haven't noticed."

I looked around and she was right. We were in the mall parking lot. I drove us here on autopilot while I was lost in my thoughts. I was sitting behind the wheel and both of the girls were staring at me.

"Shit, sorry." I muttered.

"Are you okay, Dame?" Hazel asked, with concern in her voice.

Oh God.

How would she feel if she knew what I just did with her brother? Would she hate me? Would she be disgusted? I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have kissed him.

I quickly realized I still haven't answered her question. "Yes, I'm okay, don't worry, Hazel."

She didn't seem to believe me, but didn't pry any further.

"Okay, we're going in. Are you coming with us?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, sure." Maybe it would take my mind off what went down between me and Kieran.


I dropped Hazel off, and thankfully, I didn't even catch a glimpse of Kieran.

But when I Hazel got out of the car, Rose turned to look at me, not saying anything.

"What?" I scratched my behind neck.

"What's going on with you?"

"Nothing.." I really couldn't tell her. Even if I told her I liked guys, she probably doesn't know Kieran does as well. And I was not about to tell my sister that.

"Stop lying. Ever since you got out of Kieran's room, you've been acting like a lost puppy." She crossed her arms. "I know you guys don't like each other much. Did he do something to you?"

"No! He didn't do anything to me." I panicked.

Did she know? Nah. How would she know. There's no way. I'm just overthinking this.

"Are you okay?" She said with concern.

"Yes, I am, don't worry, Rosie." I said with a smirk.

"Hey! I told you to not call me that!" She punched me in the shoulder, but not with enough force for it to hurt.

I had to say something to redirect this conversation. This seemed like it worked. She didn't ask any more questions and we went home.

I went upstairs to my room and called Jason. It's only 6:21 pm, and I'm bored.

"Hey, man." Jason picked up. "What's up?"

"Uhh, are you free right now?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yep, I'm just playing on my PS4."

I wasn't sure what I should've suggested for us to do, but I had to do something. I needed to talk to someone. It would clear my mind.

"Would you mind if I came over to yours?"

"No, not at all, bro. Text me when you get here."

Jason actually lives only a few minutes away from me. And that's how we met. We went to the same middle school. We were classmates, I came in late, and the only seat available was next to him. So, I sat down in the seat on his right, and greeted him. He introduced himself, and ever since then, we were friends.

He's always been a good friend. We also had our bad moments, though. We do fight sometimes. But not about anything serious. I think these 'fights' are just a part of friendship.

To: Jace
im here

Just two minutes later, Jason opened the door and let me in.

We went to his room, and since his parents weren't home, we had the whole house to ourselves.

We started playing some video games, but my mind kept trailing off.

God. Focus, Dame.

"Hey, man, you good? You're like, not paying attention at all" Jason paused the game and turned to look at me.

Fuck. He noticed. Maybe I should talk to him and just leave Kieran out of it. I always talked to him about everything, he never judged me. I just hope this conversation wouldn't take a bad turn.

"Wanna get some drinks?" I asked, scratching my neck nervously.


feel free to leave your opinions on this book so far here! im really not sure if this is good or not

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