Chapter 8

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"So, what's going on?" Jason asked, curious.

I was so nervous.

I was pretty sure Jace wouldn't judge me if I told him about my sexuality. I knew him well enough to notice that he never judged someone based one their sexuality. Still, it was unnerving.

"Well, I've been thinking about something and...umm." How was I supposed to say this?

Jason just sat there, patiently waiting for me to finish my sentence.

"I'm just gonna say it then. I think I'm bi. Like, bisexual." There. I said it.

His eyes widened in shock. Was it really that shocking? He didn't look disgusted or uncomfortable, though.

"Oh... okay." That's all?

"That's all youre gonna say?" I said with a nervous laugh.

"I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to say to that." He also laughed. "Good for you. I didn't really expect for that to be the thing bothering you."

"It's- It's not exactly bothering me. I've been thinking about this for a while now, but I've never told anyone. You're the first."

After I finished my sentence he smiled at me. "I'm glad you told me, Dame." He said as he threw his arms around my shoulders.

I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding, and hugged him back. "Thank you."

"What are you thanking me for?" He let go of me and asked, confused.

"For being... cool about it." I looked down at my trembling hands.

He faked a gasp. "What! Did you think wasn't gonna be cool with it?"

"Well, we never talked about things like that. I wasn't sure how you'd react." I mumbled.

He put a hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. "I would never think of you differently just because you like guys, Dame."

He smirked. "Speaking of, is there a guy I should know about?"

I playfully punched him in his shoulder and let out a hesitant laugh. "No, of course not."

I don't want to tell him what happened, yet. I should talk to Kieran first. Which scares the shit out of me, now that I'm thinking about it. I have to talk to Kieran.

"Oh, really?" He looked at me, still smirking.

"S-Stop it." I accidentally stuttered. Fuck. What was up with me lately? All the stuttering was starting to get annoying.

He had a shit-eating grin on his face. Asshole.

"Okay, okay," He lifted his arms in mocking surrender. "You don't have to tell me about him. Yet."

Then another thing came to mind. "What about you and Alicia though? Did you finally hook-up with her like you promised? I teased.

He glared at me. Ha. Knew it.

"Not exactly. But!" he added quickly. "She actually agreed to go on a date with me." He smiled to himself.

My mouth fell open. "You actually like her? I thought you only wanted to sleep with her."

He looked guilty when I said that. "Well, that was the plan," He muttered. "but when we got talking at the party, I found out she's actually really cool. So I asked her on a date instead."

"That's amazing, Jace!" I exclaimed. "They grow up so fast." I joked, wiping nonexistent tears from my eyes.

"Stop it, like you're the one to talk. One day, you're gonna have to tell me about this mysterious guy." He patted me on the back.

"Right." I said. Then we started gaming again and I could finally focus.

I felt relieved and at ease.


It's been 3 days since I told Jace about me. Right now, it was Thursday afternoon, I had History. At least I wasn't alone, though. I take History classes with Lily. Lily is a nice girl. She is an introverted blonde, a little shy at first, but when I got to know her, she opened up a little more. She has a girlfriend, who is a senior. Just like Kieran.

Naturally, my mind drifted to Kieran again, how surprising.

Anyways. She's one of my friends in school, as well as most of my teammates.

"Do you want to partner up for the project?" Lily asked.

"Huh? What project?"

"Dame. Were you even listening?" She sighed. "Mr. Johnson was just talking about it. He assigned us a project. We are supposed to work in pairs." She explained

"Oh, yea, sure. We can work together." I smiled.

"Great." She smiled back. "I will text you later and we can meet up in the library to do it. Does Tuesday sound good?"

I thought about it. I didn't think I had anything planned for Tuesday.

"Yep, Tuesday it is." Then the bell rang and we all got out of the classroom.

By the door, Abby, Lily's girlfriend, was waiting for her. Abby was extroverted, pretty tall, considering she was a woman, she had kind of boy-ish style and overall, she seemed like a really good fit for someone like Lily. She threw an arm around Lily's waist as they went off to their lockers.

They were an adorable couple, and they were very open about it. Thankfully, other students were mostly chill, not many people talked shit about the two of them. But there were some individuals.

Andrew Roux, the perfect example of an 'individual'. Unfortunately, he was also my teammate.

He wolf-whistled when he saw Lily and Abby kiss. What a fucking asshole.

"Putting on a show for us?" He shouted.

Lily and Abby never cared about what he had to say. They knew he only said this shit to rile them up and wanted to get a reaction out of them. So they never reacted.

But I noticed Lily's uneasy face expression when she turned around for a second.

I've had enough of his bullshit.

"Just because you don't have a girlfriend to kiss, it doesn't mean others put on a show for you to watch. Jealous much?" I said, loud enough for everyone to hear. A burst of laughs erupted in the hallway.

"No one was talking to you, Hayes." He spat out as he walked over to me.

"And no one was asking for your opinion, Roux." I gritted my teeth. Does this guy have nothing better to do?

He grabbed me by my collar and pushed me into some girls locker, who quickly moved away. Poor girl.

"Careful now, Hayes, people might start to think you're gay too." He laughed.

"Are you sure?" I whispered. "Which one of us is pushing another dude against a locker right now?"

His face went red with fury. Just as he was about to punch me, something stopped his fist from hitting my face.



I think we can all guess who it is.

anyway, now i dont recall talking about Kieran's and Damien's age. so just for clarification, Damien is a junior and Kieran is a senior. Damien is 17 and Kieran is 18.

Hazel, Rose and Elijah are all 16. They're sophomores.

(i dont go to american highschool, so correct me if im wrong about the ages😭)

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