Is it better to be feared or better to be loved?

I'm both.

I sit on my travel throne, dressing my armor, with my sword Meurtriere at my side, and my amulet on my chest, watching the castle of my enemies burn. This question normally comes to mind during times like this.

I am feared because I am Mathilda Zelda, warrior queen of Aina O Koa, victor over seven kingdoms, Slabyy, Xuruo de, Yaghan, Deo Ganghage, Forte, Vitoria, and Sheva. The kings of the lands around my growing empire step carefully when I am near.

The king, or former king, of Perdedor learned that the hard way. It was his castle I was watching burn. He and his court were with me, surrounded by my soldiers, watching as well, their families off to the side.

He shouldn't have tried to poison me.

I was feared for my wrath, my skill in battle, for the cobras, scorpions, and the lion I keep as pets. For my lipstick made from cobra venom. For my mind which outsmarted many a foe. For basically all I am, I am feared.

But once I am a land's new queen, the people grow to love me.

Aina O Koa was a dying land when I took the throne. Now the people of Perdedor were the poorest. Even the most destitute of my people had a roof of their own over their heads, every single one of them. I gave them all a home. My farms are booming, I got rid of slavery, my people can or are learning to read and write, and a new vain of diamonds was found just before I left my palace.

To my people, I am Queen Mathilda Zelda, the greatest ruler they've had.

I really don't know whether it was better to be feared or loved.

My battle snake, Sweetness, dropped her head down against my breast. She was tired. Dear Sweetness, I thought, it has been a long six months of fighting. I stood from my throne. It was time to end it.

"Bring me King Estupido," I ordered.

Two Perdedorian men wrongfully imprisoned by Estupido went to gather their former king. It was quite a bit of luck that I found them, one thrown in prison for stealing a loaf of bread and the other for rejecting Estupido's sister. Though confirming such things was difficult and I did worry that they would betray us.

Estupido was a fat, balding man with a large nose. He had been so arrogant when this war started, boasting about how he would finally best my skill and wit, force me into his harem, kill my pets, and murder my baby. And now, he was crying.

I had told him not to brag about a victory before even dressing for battle, and that no one touches my baby. Sadly, no one ever listens to me.

I have no pity, not after what he said.

"Well," I told him, stroking a finger down Sweetness's head, "You would beat me at long last, make me a consort, and kill my baby. Is that what you said to me? Six months ago. Is that right?" I glanced towards the burning castle. "That worked out well, didn't it?"

I turned back to Estupido. He looked pathetic. "You know what happens now, don't you?" I asked him, "Surely you do. I know for a fact that I told you what happens now that your kingdom is mine."

"Please," Estupido begged. I rolled my eyes. Begging for a crown? Really? "Please no, not my crown." It's a crown. "You can have whatever else you want Mathilda, just not my crown."

"Silence!" I shouted, Sweetness hissing, baring her fangs as I had trained her to do when I raised my voice, "You don't get to call me Mathilda anymore," I told him, "We're no longer equals. I am still a queen, but you are no longer a king."

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