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Hanashi Nejire was a kingdom by the sea. The ocean breeze blew across the land and the ocean itself lay in the distance, shining blue. "Is that the ocean?" Arne questioned.

I watched the seagulls scatter as the litter drew closer. "I don't know what told you that," I chuckled while braiding his hair with gold strings knotted in, "But it is. Hanashi Nejire is a seaside kingdom. The water's never far."

"The sea salt air is strong Mistress," Arne said, "I can smell it. And there's gulls, waves, and someone's selling coconuts."

The coconut seller tried to catch my eye, so I focused both of them on the braid. I had golden rings to thread into it and a diamond bead to top it off. I had dressed him in a dark purple robe with billowy sheer sleeves and many jewelry pieces, all from kingdoms I've taken over. I matched him in an even darker purple with my hair wrapped up and woven around my crown. "You look so handsome," I whispered to Arne, "Look at you, dripping with gold and jewels just like you deserve to be." It was the least I could do. "How handsome you look."

Arne's fingers twisted a diamond ring around his finger. "It really is too much Mistress," he said.

"Is it too heavy for you?" I asked. I had once worn so much gold myself that walking had been difficult.

"No Mistress," Arne answered. I would have to tell him not to call me mistress once I could have that conversation without crying. "Not at all." He wasn't stuttering or looking down so he was telling the truth. "It's just, it's just that I."

"If you're going to say that you don't deserve it," I interrupted before Arne could put himself down, "Please don't finish that sentence. You deserve to be dripping with gold and jewels, despite what you think. Besides, they are my gifts to you and they're going to go to waste if you don't wear them."

"Wait," Arne said, "These jewels are mine?"

I laughed and knotted off the braid with that diamond bead. "Of course," I grabbed a handful of the golden rings. "I gave them to you. You also own your clothes, armor, and everything else I've given you over the years."

Arne let out a trembling breath as his hand drifted over the bangles on his arm. "Mine," he hissed under his breath.

The gold rings threaded easily into the braid. "All yours Ba," I paused. That slip up the night before last was messing me up. I almost had it. "It's all yours, every bit."

Arne tugged at the gold collar around his neck. "I'm rich then," he mumbled in surprise.

I dropped the gold rings onto my lap. Arne was very rich with all the gifts I've given him. He didn't need family or friends or me to take care of him, he could hire someone. Never have to work another day in his life.

He could leave.

My heart ached at the thought of Arne leaving, but I couldn't keep him with me if he wanted to go. "I guess you are rich," I told him, picking the rings from my lap and trying to keep my voice steady, "I've never thought about it before."

"And I thought I was your slave," Arne chuckled.

I decided Arne's hair had enough decoration. There was a point where it looked tacky, and my hands were shaking. "Not a slave," I said, putting the rings away, "Never a slave."

"I'll be the only lover here who owns the clothes on their back, won't I?" Arne asked.

I gave a huff. "Certainly," I informed him, "Sadly. Not everyone sees slavery as the monster it is. The kings will come with their slaves and their consorts and parade them around like toys." Sour memories from my childhood surfaced.

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