eight, I guess

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Mia has been going to school for almost five days now. It's the end of school on Friday and Mia is in class. She is staring out the window, just waiting for the day to be over, watching all the parents come to get their kids. Mia has been cooperating with Erwin for the past couple days. Monday was a bad day for Mia and the whole sniffing incident made her wary of Erwin. Her preferred reaction would be for Erwin to have punched Miche in the face, but she realizes he wouldn't do that. Mia could tell that he thought it was funny and didn't like that. So, she put her mask back on and resumed being the perfect child to prevent herself from getting too close to him. Mia was exhausted, she had bags under her eyes and everything. It was hard for her to pretend when she was so tired. She has been having nightmares every night since starting school. The stress brought up lots of other things for her, bad memories, and fears. Mia hasn't said one word to Erwin about it though. She doesn't want to tell him the things she has been dreaming, and she feels like he wouldn't care to help anyways.


Her head snaps to the front of the room where the teacher stands. All eyes are on her.

"You need to listen, Mia, if this continues, I'm going to have a talk with your parents." Says the teacher, Ms. Haden. Mia frowns at the mention of parents while the rest of the room snickers at her expense. The teacher continues reading them a book from the front of the room while Mia stares down at her desk. 'Everyone has parents but me.' She thinks to herself, pouting as she turns her attention back out the window. She can see car after car, pulling into the parking lot, but none of them belong to Erwin. She sighs and waits patiently for the day to end. When the bell finally rings, Mia gets up and rushes out of the classroom, making a beeline to the front of the school. She gets to the spot where Erwin usually stands and waits. She waits and waits, watching everyone else walk by with their parent. Students flow out of the school and soon, she is the only one left. Ms. Haden walks by and sees Mia standing in her spot.

"Hey Mia, what are you doing here?" She asks. Mia looks up at her with a solemn face.

"I was waiting but I can walk now." She says as she begins walking away. Ms. Haden stops her before she takes more than just a few steps.

"Hang on, why don't I call your dad and see where he is?" She says to Mia as she begins trying to guide her back inside.

"I don't have parents." Mia stares at her with a look of annoyance that she has to explain this to her.

"Well, who is the man that usually picks you up?"

"Nobody, I usually walk home." She lies, trying to get Ms. Haden to let her go.

"No, you don't, Mia, let's go back inside and I can call your guardian." She says, reaching for Mia's hand. Mia pulls away but begins walking back towards the building. Ms. Haden walks Mia to the office and tries to call Erwin. Mia listens in and hears the phone ringing.

"Hello, Erwin Smith speaking."

"Hi Mr. Smith, this is Ms. Haden I'm Mia's teacher-"

"Oh god, what happened?"

"Actually sir, it seems like you may have forgotten to pick her up today. School ended about 40 minutes ago."

"Shit- is she with you?"

Mia smirks when she hears him say 'shit'. It's very funny to her, especially after the whole speech about not cussing. She can hear loud shuffling from his line as Ms. Haden responds.

"Yes, she is with me, we are waiting in the office."

"I'll just walk." Mia says, and Ms. Haden shakes her head no and holds a finger to her lips. Mia glares at the gesture and looks down at the floor, her mean look going unnoticed by Ms. Haden.

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