19.) ANNA

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I watched the setting sun in awe as Mako locked the door behind us. The sea glittered from the fiery disc going down over the western horizon. The brick homes, plants, people — everything was illuminated in a golden glow. The floating fleecy clouds looked like a stretch of fire. My eyes sparkled at the sky's enchanting beauty.

A hand slipped into mine and I looked up to find Aron grinning down at me. "The sky looks like it's bleeding, huh." I nod and smile. We started to walk along the cobblestone. I was draped in my cloak and as of now, they were donned in their cloaks as well. They both also had the bags that I and Mako had stuffed with various supplies and money.

"Yeah, it's very pretty over the ocean." I looked towards the harbor, where we were heading, through alleyways between the buildings.

Mako looked up towards the blazing sky and said, "Well, it looks like our journey overseas will go smoothly." I looked at him quizzically. *How could he tell?* He glanced at my expression and laughed, "There's an old sailor saying: 'Red at night sailor's delight, red in the morning sailors take warning.'" Understanding washed over me and I nodded.

'Well, that's a relief,' I thought.

"So you've never been on a boat before, sweetheart?" Aron tugged at my hand pulling us through an alleyway and down a flight of stairs leading us closer to the busy harbor.

I shook my head. "Never." I suddenly got nervous, "Is it scary?"

Mako answered, "No, but it could feel a little weird. Hopefully, you don't get seasick." Shit.  If I just got sick riding in a carriage, how would I feel on a boat?

Aron squeezed my hand and gave me a look that I translated into a 'You'll be fine' look. The sun set behind the horizon and the sky quickly grew darker. We emerged from a narrow passageway and were thrown into the crowd. The crowd was no less busy than when me and Mako had gone into the market during the day. Lanterns illuminated the harbor, leaving shadows in between.

Fishermen dominated the market and the docks. Moving around, shouting, and tossing fish. Aron dropped my hand and observed the harbor. He set off in the direction of some barrels under a flickering lantern. Mako pushed me along to follow. Before we left they had explained to me that they had to meet up with someone to pay them off, then we would board a ship and probably have to wait out somewhere in secret.

Drawing closer with Mako by my side, I spotted a man I hadn't seen before. He was huge, similar to the frame of Aron and Mako. Aron and the man exchanged some words and i tried my best to listen in. Mako stood silently beside me, arms crossed, who I guessed was trying to do the same.

"I mean he is still walking around. You failed to complete the payment." I picked up from the intimating-looking man.

Aron spoke gruffly," Yeah well, I decided to pay the sum." The other man's brows rose in surprise before he schooled his features.

The man's eyes narrowed at Aron as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a glistening red gem on a golden chain. Aron held it, dangling it from his fingers in front of the man.

I reached up to my collarbone, to where the necklace recently laid. I didn't mind giving it up if it meant we left safely and we wouldn't get caught. But... I couldn't help but feel sad about not having it with me.

By the way Jecka had fonded over the necklace, had told me that it was an impressive piece. Not only that but I could tell it had made the other girls jealous by the more glares I had received than normal. Jecka had later explained that the glowing red charm on the chain was a dragon scale. Apparently, dragon scales were one of the most valuable in the world.

For the Bleeding Heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें