22.) ANNA

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Blades of grass poked me from underneath. Turning my head I found myself in a grassy opening surrounded by trees along its perimeter. The grass flattened under the wind in beautiful shimmering waves, each blade turned momentarily to reflect brilliant sunlight. Lying back in the meadow I found myself breathing in the warm, earthy scent of the serene place.

I pushed myself up into a seated position and came face to face with a small white rabbit. Butterflies fluttered about sipping nectar from the flowers scattered within the field. Compelled by the rabbit, I extended my hand, reaching towards it. The rabbit decided to turn away, flicking its back feet and hopping away quickly.

I followed the rabbit's movement as it darted through the tree line. Beside where the rabbit recently disappeared stood a large, lone elk between the prickly skirts of the evergreens. I stood, the wind shushed around us and the breeze ruffled around my white sundress, brushing through my hair and over my exposed skin. Covering in a tan coat with strong-looking antlers, we stared at each other.

Like the rabbit, I felt some kind of pull towards the Elk. Something urged me to go to it. Taking a small step forward, grass slid against my bare feet and ankles; this time the animal did not scamper away.

"Anna." I flinched as a warm hand gently circled my wrist.

I turned my attention to the newcomer, my eyes collided with familiar ones. Dazzling gray eyes sparkled in the warm sunlight. The man who had helped me escape from the castle. His other hand slipped into mine, squeezing my fingers he spoke," Anna, you must go. Far, far away. Do you understand?" I looked up at him confused. "I'm trying to keep you safe. Do you understand, Anna? Please." I bit my lip, as I nodded to hopeful calm down his panicked state.

Suddenly, something shifted. The hair on the back of my neck rose and goose bumps appeared along my bare skin. The warm of the sun was now covered by clouds and the hum of bees and dragonflies, the whine of flies and mosquitoes, and birds trilling had now gone silent only accompanied by the sound of leaves rustling.

The hands that previously circled my wrist lightly now turned into a harsh, bruising grip. I tried to pull away, but he held on tight. I whimpered at the applied pressure peering up at my once savior in fear.

But... it wasn't right. This wasn't the same man that had saved me before. Similar looking, but not exact. Piercing, black eyes now glared into mine.

Jaxon leaned down close to my face, holding onto me tightly. He was acting differently from his taunting self. Now he felt... threatening.

"You thought you could run away from me, pet?" he growled, letting out a low chuckle. "It's funny that you think you could just run off like that. It's fine, though, because I suppose there is some fun in the chase. And I'm a damn good hunter, pet. Would you like to test how great my hunting skills are?" I shook with fear and anger at his degrading words as I tried to rip away. Suddenly he let go and I fell to the ground, the grass now decaying around me. I scrambled back as he stalked over me.


As much as I didn't want to participate in his sick game, I didn't know what else to do, so I stumbled to my feet and blindly ran toward the woods as fast as I could without looking back. I pushed my way through the brush, faintly registering the dead leaves crunching beneath my feet and twigs scratching against them.

After running for a solid few minutes my lungs ached, dying to inhale some deep breaths. I stopped and shrunk behind a tree, hoping he wouldn't find me.

A cold hand squeezed my arm. I tried to push him off me but he was far stronger, shoving me against the tree.

I cried out and tried to scramble away from him but he was on me in an instant. "I told you, pet. You can't run away from me. I will always find you. And once I do, you will be mine and I will never let you go again..."

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