Chapter 3

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(Eliana’s POV)

My children were waiting for me at the creche with a member of the staff as soon as I arrived. They came running towards me and gave me a leg hug as soon as they saw me. 

“I am so sorry if you have to wait for long” I sincerely apologised to the woman, but all she did was smile and shake his head before turning around. As we drove back home, the kids told me about all they had done that day and went about my nightly routine as usual, when we reached. 

The following morning, I woke up at the same time, but instead of waking the triplets after completing my daily ritual, I let them continue sleeping. About fifteen minutes into eating breakfast and watching a television show on my laptop, one of my sons came out of the room.

“Good morning baby, are you hungry?” I embraced him tightly as I asked and he nodded. I then went to the kitchen to prepare his breakfast after starting one of his programmes. After a little period, Liam and Leo stepped outdoors as well, went right to their brother, and they watched cartoons together.

“Boys, come and eat first. Then, we’ll leave for adventure park” I called out to them a little, and as soon as they heard the word adventure park, they hurried over to the dinner table. I got them ready first after eating breakfast, then I got dressed and left for our trip.

“Kids listen, there are so many people around here. So, I want you all to clutch mumma’s hand tightly and don’t leave it at any cost, ok?” When I got to the park, I knelt down in front of them and gave them explicit instructions before firmly gripping their hands. 

We rode every ride for four hours and engaged in a variety of games. They even had more energy than I did, and they were really enthused about everything. We also had fries and burgers alongwith their favourite candy in between. They had a great time the entire day and finally, they were so exhausted that they spent their entire trip back sleeping in a taxi.

“Oh, good evening Eliana. So, lovely to see you dear” While returning from their nightly stroll, one of the cutest elderly couples in our neighbourhood greeted me with a radiant smile and I politely returned their greeting.

“Awww, they look so cute while sleeping. Ronald see, don't they look just like our grandson?” The elderly woman said after observing my children's sound sleep. 

“Oh dear, how will you take them up alone?... Let us help you” Even after I declined because I thought it could be difficult for them to take, the elderly man still headed for the taxi to fetch them up. He took Liam and Leo while I held Lucas in my arms as the three of us went towards my flat. 

I approached the couple and thanked them for their assistance after putting the kids to bed. I was drinking water when I heard a voice and turned to go back to the kid's room.

“Liam! Liam! What happened, baby?... Are you ok, son?” He was stirring in his sleep as I quickly moved to his side. 

“Mumma!… Mumma!…” He started saying my name in his sleep again, and I was a little alarmed to witness him act in such a strange way for the first time. He instantly opened his eyes wide and began to perspire profusely when I tried to wake him awake. He immediately began to cry.

“I am here Liam, I am here. Shh, Shhh, mumma is here…don’t cry baby, mumma is not going anywhere. Shhh” I hugged him and kissed his head and whispered beautiful things in his ear. He eventually fell asleep once more, and I slept next to him, holding him close.  

The following morning, nothing unusual happened, and I neglected to inquire about Liam's dream. The children were occupied with their own work or activities the entire day as I used my laptop to complete some personal work. I told the kids about our trip to New York about dinner time, and they were thrilled about it because it was their first time travelling out of state. I told Mr. Richardson about my choice as well, and he was happy. I spent the entire next day packing and taking care of the kids who were running here and there in the whole house, making it more lively.

“Hello kids, it's been so long since I last saw you. And you all have become so tall” As usual, Mr. Richardson was happy to see them when we arrived at the airport, and the children felt at ease in his presence. They all began to play a moment later, and it was encouraging to watch kids so at ease around anyone.  

We all five departed the lounge when our flight was ready to take off, which happened two hours later. Children were simply playing with each other during the entire flight, and I was seated next to Mr. Richardson in the row next to theirs.

“Eliana, I have booked everything already. You and kids will have no issue, if you still need anything just let me know… and also be there on time tomorrow for the meeting, I’ll inform you when the client comes” He added that when we returned to the hotel, the children were in awe of the large, opulent building.

“Kids! Kids! Come let’s go to our room…No Leo, tomorrow we’ll go in the garden” After responding to him, I noticed children standing next to a big window and observing the garden with the swings. Leo insisted on going there when I got there, but I told them to go into our room instead. They fell asleep as soon as they hit the bed, and slept all day. 

I was able to observe New York City's nightlife at night while standing close to my bedroom window. The life I never had in order to care for my triplets on my own at an early age, without assistance from anyone… not even my own family- the family my kids would have had if they had embraced me at that time.

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