Closing Chapters

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Taylor POV

"Sorry but visiting hours are over.  I am going to ave to ask you all to leave," a nurse said as she walked into the room.  Everyone grabbed there stuff but Travis was still knelling next to Violeta.

"Travis," Jason practically yelled but his brother didn't respond.  I don't know what possessed me to do it but I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me.  "We have to leave," Jason continued and Travis's eyes darted to Jason.  

"Where are we going?" Travis asked.  His voice sounded so broken.  

"A hotel.  We can come back first thing tomorrow, Trav," Jason said.  My hand was still of Travis's shoulder when he stood up, I moved it.  

"I can't go back to campus and I don't have a car," Kayley stated.  I knew that her and Violeta still lived together.  

"You can come stay with me," I offered and she smiled just a little before her eyes flashed back to Vi.  This was awful.  

The Kelce's all rode in their parents car.  Kayley and I went back to the hotel room that I booked and she didn't sleep.  I needed to, that plane ride took it out of me.  Early that morning, Kayley and I headed back to the hospital and I got a phone call from my security informing me that it was public knowledge that I was in Ohio but I didn't care.

When we arrived at the hospital, her parents and brothers were already there.  We got a greeting from her mom and Jason.  It was tearing me apart that Violeta was like this and I made the mistake of opening my phone.  

BREAKING NEWS: VOILETA KELCE IS DYING was everywhere and honestly, I was happy that no one else was on their phones because that was the last thing that anyone needed.  I started crying again and tried to be as quiet as I could.  I was looking at Violeta and I saw her leg move.  No I had to have imagined it but then she pretty much turned over and I stopped crying.  Kayley looked at me and there was a stillness in the room.  Was she actually awake?

Violeta POV

I groaned because my head hurts so bad.  Wait what happened?  It was all slowly coming back to me.  I got hit.  I tried to force my eyes open but they wouldn't.  I could feel someone holding my hand tightly and I knew it was Travis.  How long had I been out that Travis had gotten here.  

When my eyes finally opened, I went to sit up.  "Lay back down," Travis practically yelled at me.  I did what he said and brought my hand that wasn't in Travis's and put it on my head.  

"Why does my head hurt?" I asked and Travis squeezed my hand even tighter.  I looked around the room, that was unnecessarily bright, and I saw everyone I expected to and Taylor.  "Taylor?" I questioned.  Her eyes were puffy but she had a smile on her face.  

"I really am here," she said and I knew that my face lit up just from the way that her smile got bigger.  My mom went to go get the doctor and they took me to test my brain function and get a ton of tests done.  

When I got back, the doctor was already waiting there.  "So here's what we know.  You don't appear to have any brain damage but you do have skull fractures and one of the most severe concussions I have ever seen.  Usually, you would get to leave as soon as you wake up and are able to form coherent thoughts but I want to keep you for a few days and make sure that we didn't miss anything," the doctor explained.  Everyone in the room was happy because that meant I was okay but it looked like there was something he didn't say.  

"What did you not say?" I asked him and he looked at me with pity in his eyes.  

"Concussions, when they occur, it is strictly recommended that you never get another one again," he paused.  I could feel the tears in my eyes starting to form, he wasn't going to say it.  "Due to the severity of your concussion, you will never be medically cleared to play any sport again," he stated.  He was straight to the point and didn't sugar coat it.  There were a few gasps when he said that I could tell that everyone was waiting for me to react.  

"I figured that was where it was going," my voice broke a little.  

Travis POV

I was watching her put her guard up.  She was putting walls between herself and he reality of her situation, she was one of the best at it.  But I knew and so did everyone else that Lacrosse was her life and her sanity.  I don't know how well she would survive not playing any sports but she was the strongest of us.  If anyone could do it, she could.

She didn't take her eyes off of the doctor the entire time.  "I am sorry," the doctor said as he walked out of the room and there was an awkward silence that fell over the room.  They were all waiting for her to explode.  

Violeta POV

"Everyone out," Travis commanded.  I looked at him confused and everyone actually left except Jason.  He got up and closed the door before he looked at me.  "drop the act, Vi." 

"What act?" I asked him.  I knew exactly what he was talking about but I didn't think he would press me.  

"Your entire life has been sports and you were just told that you can never play a sport again.  You. are. not. okay.  And you shouldn't be," Travis said and I looked a him with a few tears leaving my eyes.  He walked over and hugged me.  We sat like that for a minute before he pulled back and sat in a chair that he pulled up to the bed.  He raised his eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes.  

"I almost died.  I have no room to freak out over not being able to play any sports.  You heard the doctor, I got lucky.  No brain damage and no severe fractures or breaks.  I should be grateful that I am still alive not freaking depressed because I can't play a stupid sport," I ranted.  

"You have every right to be upset, Vi, and you don't have to pretend to be okay around us," Jason stated.  I knew he was right but he couldn't take away the guilt.  

"I would've been one of the best to ever play and now its all over.  One miss step and I will never be the best again," there were tears in my eyes and neither of them showed any pity in their eyes.  Just understanding.

"You will go down in history as the best, Vi.  Everyone knows that you own that field but more importantly you do.  You know that you walked on the field every game and you impressed yourself, that's the most important part," Travis explained.  He always knew how to make me feel better.  

"You are annoyingly good at that," I stated in the most annoyed tone I could manage.  They both laughed and so did I.  That was what Kelce's do.  We weather the storm.  

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