Late Nights

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Travis POV

Violeta set me up in one of her guest rooms and told me to get some sleep because Zach and I had to go to weightlifting tomorrow. I was having a hard time falling asleep so I just sat on my phone. I heard a door open and then someone go downstairs because of how the rooms were set up, I know that it is Taylor. I waited a couple minutes and then decided to go see what she was doing. I made sure that she could hear me coming downstairs because I didn't want to scare her.

I noticed that she was in the kitchen with her back facing me. "I'm guessing you can't sleep either," I said as I walked into the kitchen. She turned her head to look at me.

"Yeah I'm not really tired," she responded. I walked over to the freezer and took out the ice cream that was in there. "Is that chocolate caramel?" Taylor asked me. I smiled.

"Yeah, Vi keeps it because it's my favorite," I responded and she laughed.

"It's my favorite too," she replied.

"Do you want some?" I asked her.

"Yeah I can get it," Taylor responded. I got Taylor and I both a bowl and we ended up talking and realized how much we have in common. We ended up sitting on the couch.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked while I turned on the TV. She shrugged so I went in Netflix and turned on Grey's Anatomy.

"How'd you know?" Taylor asked me. I laughed.

"Lucky guess," I said. We finished our ice cream and she refused to let me take the bowls back into the kitchen. I noticed that she shivered when she was walking back so I grabbed one of the blankets. We watched a few more episodes before I felt Taylor move closer to me. I noticed that she was asleep and I remembered that Vi told me once that Taylor had a tendency to attach to the nearest person when she was sleeping. I fell asleep on the couch with Taylor cuddled up next to me.

The next morning, I woke up and I left Taylor asleep on the couch because I needed to get dressed. I also figured that she wouldn't want Zach or Vi to walk in on us sleeping.

Violeta POV

I woke up in the middle of the night.  After I couldn't fall asleep I decided to go get a cup of water from the kitchen.  I went downstairs quietly and I heard the TV on.  I got water before I went into the living room to see who was watching TV. 

I was extremely shocked to see Taylor laying practically on Travis and I decided to take a picture.  They were both asleep and I went very quickly back upstairs.  I only took the picture so that Taylor couldn't deny that it happened and so that I could prove it to Zach.  I went back to sleep when I got upstairs. 

The next morning, I woke up when I heard Zach turn off the shower.  Zach walked in dressed for practice and saw that I was awake.  "Good morning, Firefly," Zach said before he kissed my forehead.  He had started to walk away. 

"Guess what," I said and he paused and turned around signaling for me to continue.  "Taylor and Travis slept on the couch last night," I said.  He looked at me with an 'are you serious' look.  I pulled the picture up on my phone and his eyes went wide with shock. 

"They are going to kill you for taking that picture," Zach said as he tried to grab my phone.  I put my phone behind me so he couldn't get it.  "Firefly, your brother will murder you," Zach warned me but I rolled my eyes. 

"Let him try.  Also it was in our house, they can't pretend like there was no way neither of us saw them.  Just don't bring it up," I said. 

"What are you going to do?" Zach asked and I smiled as I got out of bed.  I went downstairs and Zach wasn't very far behind me.  When we got downstairs, Taylor was still laying on the couch but she was awake. 

"Good morning," Taylor said when she saw us. 

"Morning," Zach said as he walked to the kitchen.  I sat down on the couch next to her and Glacier hopped up on the couch. 

"Good morning, whatcha doing up so early?" I asked her.  Taylor was much like me, more likely to sleep in. 

"I couldn't sleep last night so I came down and watched TV.  Fell asleep on the couch," Taylor explained, leaving Travis out of her explanation.  I heard Travis coming down the stairs so I didn't pry. 

"Morning, Travis," I shouted before he walked into the room.  He looked at me and I saw the second he realized that I knew what happened last night. 

"Good morning, Violeta," he paused and looked at me daring me to say something.  "Where's Zach?" He asked.  I pointed at the kitchen and he looked at Taylor and smiled before he walked into the kitchen. 

Zach POV

I decided to have absolutely nothing to do with Vi's shenanigans.  Travis walked in and he took one look at me.  I saw realization wash over him.  "Which one of you?" Travis asked me.  I turned back around and faced the stove. 

"I don't know what you are referring to," I responded trying my best to not say anything. 

"Sure you don't," Travis responded sarcastically.  I heard him pull out on the chairs from under the island and sit down.  "How bad is this going to end for me?" Travis asked. 

I laughed and turned to him.  "Did you tell her about the friendship bracelet?" I asked him.  He put his head in his hands which I took as a no.  There was no way that Vi wasn't going to tell Taylor about that.

We ate breakfast before Travis and I headed out to weightlifting.  Vi didn't bother either of them, I actually would've assumed that she dropped it, if I didn't know her. 

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