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Zach and I were sleeping in bed, his season was starting back up today. We woke up to my phone ringing at 6 am. "Hello?" I asked without even looking to see who called me.

"Sorry, I forgot about the time difference. We have a problem," Rodney Morgan said. He is my the head of my financing department.

"What's wrong?" I asked all traces of sleep leaving my system. He was an hour ahead and he started his work day at 7 am like a crazy person.

"I will send you the file containing everything you need to know but basically the infrastructure that is currently in place is failing. I have been trying to keep up with the slack but we need major changes," Rodney explained.

"How soon?" I asked. There was no way that I would let all my hard work crash and burn without a fight.

"Yesterday," Rodney said to get his point across.

"I'll be there in 4 hours," I stated and hung up the phone. I quickly texted my pilot and said that we needed to leave right now.

"Where are you going?" Zach asked his voice groggy.

"New York, something is wrong and I might be gone a few days because I need to fix it," I told Zach and he just nodded.

"Have a safe flight and call me when you land," Zach said and I kissed him before I quickly packed my stuff and raced to New York. On the plane, I read everything in the email and realized just how bad this was. I very quickly called a meeting of the heads of all the departments, I needed to figure this out. I walked into my office and settled down looking through what I needed to figure out when my assistant told me that everyone was there so I made my way to the conference room.

"Thank you all for coming in on such short notice," I said and I sat down in my chair at the head of the table.

"Violeta, its the least we can do. Now what is going on?" Grace Gregory asked. She is the the head of the law department and one of the best corporate lawyers I had ever met. I looked at Gregory because I had no idea how to explain.

"We need to redesign the infrastructure because there are too many companies that we own and everything is getting twisted and honestly its impossible to keep track of whats going on," Gregory explained. Grace sighed.

"That is a law suit waiting to happen. So what's the plan?" Grace asked.

"From what I can tell, the best course of action is to create a central point where everything can go," I said and Gregory agreed.

"We need to create a corporation and then put all business that Violeta owns under it and then sort everything out from there," Gregory confirmed.

"Okay. Here's what we are going to do: Grace, tell your people to get every thing sorted legally and you are going to help me buy this building. Gregory, I need you to prepare for a streamline and insure that everything runs smoothly when we start. Vivian, I need you to stop all donations from my accounts to Rose Charity. Caleb, I need you to get mass amounts of office supplies and furniture. Finally, Terri I need you to inform everyone who works under my name that we are undergoing a few changes and that no major deals are to be made until I give the green light," I instructed. Everyone nodded and got up leaving. Grace pulled out her phone sent a few text messages before she looked at me.

"Lets buy a building," Grace joked and I laughed. On the plane, I had called the owner of the building who is a friend of mine and I told her my plan and she agreed. She was on her way in with the deed. She had been trying to sell the building but no one was taking it.

"Hello, Violeta. Ready to get to business?" Karen asked. She had her lawyer with her and they both worked out the details before the building was officially sold to me. Over the next few days, the 35 floor high rise was completely furnished with offices. The first floor is the lobby and customer service, second through sixth floors is Rose Charity, marketing department has seventh through ninth, sales department has tenth through twelfth, finance department has thirteenth through fifteenth, sixteenth through twentieth is Rose Productions, product management is the twenty-first through the twenty-third, law department has twenty-fourth through twenty-seventh, account management is the twenty-eighth through the thirtieth, thirty-first through thirty-third is Rose Lacrosse, the heads of each department had offices in the thirty-fourth office, and the thirty-fifth floor had my office and a large conference room.

All of the proper paperwork had been filed and officially Rose Corporation was up and running. Everyone had done exactly what I had asked and my plan worked, all of our finances were completely sorted out and we weren't drowning anymore. It was also ensured that it never happened now that everyone had direct access to every department. We were going over stuff in the main conference room on the top floor when the speaker in the room said, "Ted Mcbride is here to see you, Violeta."

"Let him in," I said back into the speaker. He was our main competitor when it came to purchasing businesses, he always seemed to swipe the ones we were considering.

"Violeta, it is lovely to finally meet you," Ted said.

"Likewise. Not to sound rude but what exactly do you want?" I asked and he laughed.

"I am almost 70 years old, I want to retire. Unfortunately, my portfolio is huge and I can't exactly walk away unless I sell my businesses," Ted started and I motioned for him to continue. "I have no children and I want to give them to you. You are the only person I have seen start buying companies and still never care about how much money you were making. You have donated hundreds of millions of dollars and you continue to run one of the most beneficial charities of your generation," he concluded.

"While I appreciate the offer, I am not in a position to take on any more companies at the moment," I stated. After that scare there was absolutely no way.

"Actually, now would be the perfect time," Gregory contradicted.

"Can you show me your portfolio?" Grace asked and Ted handed her the folder in his hands. I watched her eyes go wide as she read through the pages and then she handed it to me. He owned 71 companies.

"Woah, that's impressive," I said and he smiled. We made a deal, I paid him for every last company and now I owned them all. I owned 117 companies and my net worth was about 300 billion dollars.

BREAKING NEWS: Violeta Kelce recently created a corporation and is now has one of the highest net worth's. She has truly redefined what it means to be business savvy.

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