Chapter 11: [Another One!?]

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Gideons pov: 

I found my time here in this place quite relaxing. I loved exploring this space and running around and away from Amber. I don't fear him anymore, but I still wouldn't put my life in his hands no matter how desperate. After the incident in the kitchen and the other alien I haven't been back. I didn't like the doctor's office we went to after I was thrown. I was fine and didn't need to go, but it's not like anyone can understand me, let alone let me have a say in the matter.

One thing I have noticed is how Amber's attitude towards me and red had changed since that time with the doctor. He spends more time here with the two of us unlike before and we're hardly ever alone anymore. I'm not saying I dislike the company, but I do wish I had a little more time to myself. I don't know what I'd do with that time though as I am no longer in possession of any of my things. My art is long gone now, and I wonder if I'll ever be able to sketch and paint those scenes again, the scenes that hold a special place in my heart for all they've done for me throughout my life.

I have not seen a single plant or animal since I was on the monsters ship but did, they even have plants or was their world fully industrial? I don't know if I'll ever find out, but I genuinely hope that there is some flora left on this planet. I want to move past these thoughts, but the fact of the matter is that I want to paint and draw. If I could just get my hands on something to write with, I'd be fine.

I searched the room and the rest of the places I have been granted access to, but I could not find anything to draw on or with. Everything here seems to be digital no paper or parchment at all, and I can't find charcoal because they don't burn wood for their fire but something far beyond my understanding instead it's like they have managed to completely eliminate the need for combustion-based energy and thus the harmful biproducts too. I'm curious but that's not what's important right now, none of this is.

I have no idea how long I have been away from my own world and the more time passes the more I notice the changes I'm undergoing. The fangs i had already developed have gotten a slight bit longer not to the point that it is a hinderance but if they continue to grow that may no longer be the case. I have also noticed a deep-set pain when I wake from sleeping. The main areas for this are my hands and feet near the nails, which leads me to believe that I'm going to grow claws and become even less human.

My insides are already far from human but aside from the fangs so far, my outward appearance hasn't strayed much from its original state. I have a feeling that the changes won't stop there, however I don't know how much of my human appearance will be left when all of this is over. It is something I do not yet wish to face as it scares me more than anything so far.

I had been sat with Red in a pile of pillows that I had tossed out of the pen so I could be comfortable but not confined just relaxing and petting Reds fur. All of a sudden there was a sound behind the door and i clambered onto the bed and on top of Amber. I was joined by Red almost immediately as we decided to growl at the entry way catching Ambers attention.

He gets up to investigate the door but Red and I decided to stay where we were until we find out if it's safe. A foreign voice came through a speaker near the door and Amber responded to it before he came over to us and picked us both up. Red was placed in the travel cot while I was continuing to be held. The door opened and another alien walked in it had the same green skin as Amber, but its eyes were more of a reddish orange than an Ambers.

When the other one (let's call him Verm short for vermilion) saw me it let out an ear-piercing screech that startled me. I think Amber told him off because it went from trying to rush over to calmly approaching as Amber bounced me in his arms while making a calming sound. A quiet rumble radiated from ambers chest when Verm froze in place. I was beginning to relax when suddenly Verm moved closer. I called for Red who was still in the cot and he bounded out of it headed straight towards us.

Red stopped at Ambers feet pawing his leg and I began wriggling to get out of his grasp. The two aliens said something to each other and i managed to get free. Red and i decided to retreat to our mound of pillows over by the shelves staying out of the alien's reach. Luckily, they didn't follow us and instead opted to stare as we made out retreat.

Once i was settled on the pile i looked over and they still hadnt turned to look away. I picked up a pillow and threw it over at them snarling in the process to get them to stop it and look away. They finally looked away after one last glance in my direction and I finally got some peace.  

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