Chapter 39: Salamander

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A/N: Please do read this slightly longer authors note before reading the chapter. Also, apologies for the late chapter but if you see the length of it... it'll make more sense.

I'll begin with making up my mind. From here on, certain chapters will be really long. I'm talking Mystic Legacy Trial kind of long. And maybe a bit more. I know that some readers don't mind but others have voiced not liking longer chapters. I'be been very conflicted about this, whether I should split it into parts instead. But I've made up my mind. The chapters that I deem important will stay their original length. I do hope you respect my decision.

But if you don't... then please check out TCP on tapas. Currently, its not caught up to the recent chapters but I'll get to it after posting this chapter. There, all chapters are nicely cut into bite sized 15k character of chapters. But if that isn't enough... then I have nothing else. I just write for fun haha, it's a hobby so I'll try to remember to put myself first sometimes.

That's all. Fan art at the end of the chapter! I'm... happy I'm finally done with this damn chapter, I had to rewrite this so many god DAMN TIMES—


AUTHOR'S REMINDER: Please remember this is a fictional story with fictional characters. There are morally grey characters made to move the plot forward. Keep this in mind as you read this first part and the remainder of the chapter.

Ruth Gold leaned back in his chair, munching on a cheesy good toast as he glanced at the crystal in front of him—displaying all of the students currently participating in the mid-term exam he was overseeing. He barely blinked as he watched student after student failing the test in various ways. 

"Mm, this is bliss..." He stretched his legs out, planting them on the desk as he smiled. He thought becoming a professor in this dull school would be awful—but color him surprised. Not only were there cute girls here, but he didn't even have to do his work half of the time.

"My, oh my, is that a slacker I see?" Ruth stiffened and put his feet down as he straightened his back. But he dropped his posture when he noticed the person standing by the door with a smirk.

"Oh, it's just you... what have I told you about walking into my office unannounced? You should schedule a meeting before walking in, Helm." The black-haired boy snorted as he closed the door behind him, approaching the professor.

"You never complain if it's a cute girl though," Ruth's expression changed before he shrugged.

"Good grades are good grades. And besides, I only go for those of age." Helm wrinkled his nose and gave the man a look of contempt.

"Save those excuses for someone else, I'm not here for that." He pushed the professor to the side, causing the other to exclaim from the shock.

"Woah, hey! Don't touch the crystal!"

Helm ignored him as he clicked on it, and the crystal began focusing on one student. A red-headed student who seemed to be walking aimlessly into trees. He tilted his head before smiling. Then he turned back to Ruth.


Ruth, who'd been grumpily inching back to his seat, glared at him.

"What do you want, brat?"

"Can you do me a favor? If you do, I won't tell anyone about the new student you've been trying to recruit. She was... 17, wasn't she?" Helm smiled innocently. The professor's eyes widened before he shamelessly looked away.

"She's... turning 18 next week."

"You're disgusting, you know that?" Helm didn't hide his disgust at all before clearing his throat.

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