Chapter 42: The Fabrication of Life

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A/N: Done. Finally. Chapter name was hard to decide. I'm mentally and emotionally drained after finishing this chapter. But I like it even if its a bit unpolished.

No fan art this chapter. More on that later.



A/N: For more enjoyment of this chapter, I'd recommend briefly checking out chapter 11 "Together" for anyone who's forgotten it. Just the interactions and stuff, not the entire chapter. But it's not a must!

"..." Vanessa found herself in a bizarre situation. She watched as bandits began to surround her, holding their crude weapons as they licked their lips. Though she didn't look rich, their noses worked better than their eyes sometimes. And she smelled filthy rich.

The bandit leader eyed her, realizing not only was she rich but she was quite attractive too. If she didn't put up too much of a fight, he might consider making her his woman... The thought left a lewd smile on his face as he raised his sword.

"Don't resist or we'll attack you. Hand over everything you possess and we won't hurt you." The woman turned, staring blankly at him before sighing.

"I don't want to hurt anyone today... I'm already late as is..." The bandit leader frowned. That wasn't the response he was expecting. But...! Resisting meant she wouldn't go down without a fight! If they had to beat her into submission, so be it!

"Then have it your way! Hurt her but don't kill her! Also, don't damage her face, she might prove useful later." He wore a vulgar smile as he ordered the bandits to attack her. They didn't need to be told twice.

In the world of banditry, there was no such thing as fairness and equality. One against twenty was unfair? They couldn't care less! They'll use every dirty trick in the book to achieve their goal. And this time, the goal was the deep pockets of a pretty woman...!

"You leave me with no choice..." The strange woman spoke out loud, her expression a tad bit too calm for someone about to be assaulted. She pulled out a small twig from her pocket. In the blink of an eye—it grew taller and thicker, eerily resembling a... staff?

The bandit leader's face paled as he realized they might have picked a fight with the wrong person...! Now that she'd revealed her identity as a mage, he could hear every sense in his body screaming at him to run.

"Stop! Don't get any closer to her, or she'll—!"

But it was too late.

Before the first bandit could land his blunt hammer on the woman, he felt something pulling him back. He didn't even have time to scream before he found himself being flown in the air and then dangling upside down. It had happened so quickly that it took him a moment to process the strange vines that were wrapped around his body. He couldn't move, only watching with fear at the woman who stood unharmed in the middle of this. All of the bandits, except for the bandit leader, were in the same bind. But what made them all truly terrified...

She hadn't even chanted. She'd managed to do all of this without chanting. She wasn't any ordinary mage...! Now filled with fear and regret, they could only watch helplessly as she approached the bandit leader with a frown.

The bandit leader was seconds from shitting himself. Fuck, he hadn't thought their target would be someone this powerful! Who was the idiot that suggested attacking her of all people?

Oh, right. He was the one who suggested it... He could only tremble as he tried to take a few steps back. Vanessa, noticing him trying to distance himself, stopped. Then, she slammed her staff down, and the bandit leader found himself wrapped by several vines. He let out curses as he tried to escape but was unable to. All he could do was watch as the mage grew closer.

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