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They exchange notes in the form of cranes. Karina's cranes in all different forms of colors, Winter's the same blue from the stack she never ever returned to her desk mate. Karina recommends her more songs to listen to and when Winter was asleep, she'd make sure to add the day's homework and materials too. On the other hand, Winter's notes were a little different. Sometimes she'd write a funny thing that happened to her that day, sometimes she'd tell her how pretty she looked, sometimes she'd formulate a quote about spring and flowers because she knew how much Karina admired spring, and sometimes she doodles on the paper. It accumulated and by the end of the week, she had a handful of them, neatly displayed in her room.

Today was a different type of Monday as it was the tryouts festival that the school organized yearly for freshman students to look at clubs and for clubs to promote themselves. There would be no morning broadcasts and lessons, every faculty member and student busying themselves with the event.

Likewise, the soccer team had a booth with all the other sports clubs on the school field. 

"Are you kidding me?" Winter groaned as she strolled towards their booth, staring at the pathetic banner which looked like it was designed by a 5 year-old kid. She grabbed the very first brochure on its stack, feeling her breakfast rise up her throat as she flipped through it. Blurry pictures, fonts in Comic Sans, bright reds and yellows, layout as messy as her room. It took all of her willpower not to tear down the booth and rip up the brochures into shreds.

"Not too bad, huh?" Ryujin says with a proud smirk on her face, walking up to her captain from behind. Did she also forget to mention that Ryujin was the person in charge of designing? The person she trusted not to fuck their booth up on such an important day?

Winter scrunches up the brochure in her hand, smiling over at her friend widely. She smiled so brightly that even the sun quivered in fear of its next big competitor. "It's so wonderful, I couldn't have imagined anything better than this! I'm so proud of you Winter!" she says with the most sarcastic tone ever.

"See? I told you that you could trust me, I've been told that I have a keen eye for aesthetics and such," Ryujin bragged, shoulders held so high she could almost knock on gates of Heaven, Winter's obvious sarcasm flying over her head.

She fights the urge to tackle Ryujin on the floor and shoves the crumpled brochure into her chest instead. "Very well then, since you're so proud of your fine work, you'll be in charge of handing them out," Winter says definitively.

Ryujin grabs the brochure and frowns deeply at its state before her mouth flies open. "B-but you said I could just sit here all day and won't have to move a muscle!"

"That's if you actually did a fucking decent job. You can't even spell soccer right." Winter pointed out, annoyance seething through her teeth.

"Isn't it socker?" Ryujin asked, straightening the brochure out to stare at the header.

"Kill me now." Winter cursed under her breath. The least they could do right now was to grab a marker or pen to correct the spelling. She was not about to have the soccer club be the absolute joke of the year.

Since none of them were smart enough to bring some stationery, Winter had to ask the other clubs for a pen.

"Ning!" she called out towards the booth diagonally in front of hers, waving an arm to grab her attention.

Ningning was in the middle of a conversation with her teammates before she looked over at the owner of the loud voice. She breaks into a smile and waved back to her.

Winter shuffled over to their booth, feeling a knife stab through her heart. Compared to the soccer club, the volleyball team's booth was like royalty. Freshmen would most definitely flock there. "What's up?"

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