Star gazer

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"To my lights, they fill some stories so I cry because I don't know me, and then I just,...
Do something unusual, oh baby..."

I left the lounge after half an hour of star gazing. I was not really happy but hey I still can sing good songs while being sad.

Where was I going? I myself didn't know.

But I knew one thing: I was in search of something, something good and something real, more real than that party , that girl and moreover some good sex.

If I leave someone alone whom I met at an unknown party is that a bad thing? I mean we really didn't know each other right? So I guess I don't have to worry about her. That dude seemed like a nice guy, they were just doing fine.


"You are a good dancer" I said although I really didn't know how was he dancing

"Yes,? Thankyou"

He was tall and muscular, although he really was the guy any girl would flip over for, but I don't know why I wasn't feeling as happy as I should have been.

"Hey your mind is somewhere else" he said smiling

"Oh no sorry, I got distracted"

"Do you want to talk a little over there?" He said pointing at the swinging bed or hanging bed, bed swing ? I dunno there was a bed tied with four ropes on each of its leg

Although I really didn't want to talk about anything

We went to the bed, we sat together facing the jungle,
He was sitting really close to me,
I almost could feel his warmth over me,

"Who was that guy before?" He said bringing out the topic as if he is been thinking about it all the time

"Oh, him? He was just a friend" wait why am I lying i don't even know him

"A friend, i see" i could feel his disbelief

"Anyway, why do you ask?"

"Oh he left so i thought I might tell you"

"He left? How do you know?"

"My guard told me"

"Your guard?"

"Yeah I am the host of this party, my name is Andrew"

"Oh, i didn't know" i somewhat knew that he was expecting my name in return

"Its fine"

"What's your name?"

"My name is .....Luna"

"Luna, a moon"

"Andrew a....." I thought what does Andrew mean

"Haha chill you don't have to think that hard"

"Oh okay" , i embarrassed myself

He was leaning forward a bit, his eyes were locked above my chin and below my nose, as he held my arm I figured he wanted physical intimacy now, he was coming closer, but I stopped him by pushing his chest backwards.

"Oh, i thought you liked me"

"Look I like you, you really are a cool guy, but I am not that type of girl, sorry"

"Huh, oh okay," he stood up

"You don't -" he smirked

"What a waste of time, you were not that appealing anyway"

"Excuse me?" I was shocked

"Hey Jim, did you find that brown toned curvy there?" He said something on call and left

Woah, I was in a state of shock for a while and then stood up and came back to the place I was sitting.

Then I remembered him , where did he go? I gathered that this party is hosted by that asshole. I stood up and left the party again in the jungle.

Although I didn't know where I was heading but i could tell by my walking speed I was finding him only,
Why am I so desperate for him? I just met him

I realised after few hours it's going to be morning,
At Least now I can see things clearly ,

Then i heard a bear roar
My whiskers stood up like a boner(sorry shitty example) )
"Where the hell did I walk into?!"
"Is there a cave around?!"


I started running in the direction of that lounge,
'oh please I am not even married yet, I have to have kids and name one of them kick butowski'

Another roar!

'surban daredevil too!!'

As I was running i bumped into someone we both fell,


"Son of fucking bitch!"

"Huh? Zach!" It was her

"Luna?! Or whatever your name is?"

"I am glad I found you!" She said , she sounded happy

"You are?"

"You are?"

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