The Higher Ups

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The cell was dark..
And empty, no voices not even wind..
They were brought by the horse carriage and it's been 4 weeks since their arrest.

The whole building was of 4 floors,

Floors were divided into levels of crime committed to assign prisoners punishment..

On  first floor, Theft and small robberies..
On second floor murderes, and so on..

They were assigned to be on fourth floor..
They had to put both of them in different cells.
It was an order.

The walls around the cells were made up of stones, it was an old building made by the early king for his prisoners...

Charlotte never thought she'd be in a place like this..

All her jewellery and accessories were snatched off her.. she looked poor,
they made sure she looked poor, which she hated the most..

Charlotte always loved, gold and diamonds..

When Her husband proposed to her, she demanded to have a beautiful diamond ring..

She loved money more than anything.. more than her husband..they also took the ring of her finger..

And now her fate ended her in the dump, a filthy commoner's prison.

She had to give off her clothes too, she was wearing her favourite red gown, just like her cherry red hair...replaced with the old, smelly prison clothes..

"All of this is happening because of you." She said, with anger..

Her husband Leroy, laughs a tired laugh, from the next cell,
"If it feels better blaming me then go ahead," He said.
"But it was you who you cannot keep track of your child's antics". He said, sounded frustrated..
"Because of me, huh?" he mocked her.

"If only I had the idea about her plan, I would have ripped her hair off." She says gritted her teeth..

"It's no use now.." he said.
"She is gone already."

"You are right.. I hope she burn in hell.. that witch.", everything she loved was now nowhere near her..
Her money.
Her Royalty,

A moment passed in silence. The whole place was silent but still the voices were loud..

"What do you think they'll do to us?", Charlotte said, she was calm now, realising that anger won't solve anything.. not here..

"Probably, Hang us.. ", he was brutally honest with his answer, but his wife wasn't expecting him to lie either..

"But They can give us a chance..right?", Charlotte said from other side of the wall.

"What chance Charlotte?, they had already trusted us once.. i don't think they'll do that again." Leroy said..

A little sob, coming from the cell, She tried to cover her mouth..
He realised Charlotte was crying.. he wanted so badly to comfort her.

Even though they never had a relationship of pure love,as a husband Leroy always loved Charlotte and he cared for her..

The door to the ward opens with a swing,
The stomping of the heels filled the silent.. along with the smell of roses,

Her long blond hair wrapped around her shoulders, her yellow gown flowed gracefully around her, its silk fabric whispering with every step she takes towards the cell..
Charlotte did not bother to look, and Leroy wasn't interested in looking..

They both knew the smell, it was a familiar fragrance..
Cause she loved roses.

Charlotte hated her the most.., well the reason was rather personal.

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