The man in the shadows

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Noah sat on the couch, waiting for medelin to come, in her office. The medical room was at her office,
He was called for a check up.

According to Sophie, Once a week medelin goes out except the missions..for personal time.

Noah can tell, why she does that, after dealing with patients of all kinds.
Since Medelin also works as a doctor in the city down town.. she keeps seeing patients with different diseases.

The door knob spins, medelin enters the room..

"Ohh," she did not expected to see him..
"Hi" Noah stands up quickly..

"Hi.." she says, " what brings you here?", she goes straight to her table, putting back her handkerchief in the pocket..

"You called me for check up?" Noah said, he was making sure she remembered,

She turns surprisingly, and said, "oh yes.."
She rubs her forehead, "shoot I forgot.." she laughs about it,

"Come on let's do the check up..." She points to the bed near her table,

Noah sat there without any question..

Medelin brings her hand in front and it starts to glow, with green light, she transfers the enrgy to her index finger, points the finger on Noah's forehead..

She closes her eyes, Noah feels the warmth on his forehead..

She chants some mantrs..
After removing the finger from forehead she presses the same finger on his right hand palm.. then left hand..

She opens her eyes.

"You look perfectly fine.", with a smile,she said.

Noah smiles back..

For the completion, she takes the finger and press it onto his chest.. the same point where he got the hole..

"With this I will be done, ok?" She said, and closes her eyes again..

Everything was fine, for almost a minute or two, then suddenly the pressure starts to get really heavy on Noah's chest.

Medelin was pushing her finger harder....

"Ouch!" Noah shouts, trying to make medelin realise, But it did not help.
The pressure was increasing with each second,

He tries calls her to make her stop,
"Hello..please stop.."

The pain started getting really rough that Noah had to shake her, no response..

Noah takes her hand and stanched it from his chest.. which helped bring her back.

Panting both of them fell, Noah fell to the side of bed..
And medelin sits on the floor, her eyes wide open with fear and shock..

They both did not said a word...
Trying to catch their breath...

"You?...." Noah could hardly say anything.. "alright?" He asked..

Medelin did not reply to him...

"Ma'am.." concerned Noah, sits up to look at her..

Her whole face was still in shock.. she was staring at the floor... Sweating profusely..

"Hey... Medelin..", Noah felt better now, so he comes down.. pats her shoulder..

"No!" She shout. And pushed Noah, without knowing it was him..

He loses the balance and fell on his back..

"Shit!" He calls on his pain..

Medelin comes back to her normal from,

"Oh my god.." she gasped, looking at what she did to Noah,

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