Chapter seven

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I lay down to the bed, my head hanging on the side as I watch tv upside down.

Harry's out somewhere doing who knows what.

Perrie is out with Zayn.

Eleanor's sick.

Sophia hasn't answered my calls or texts.

So here I am, bored out of my mind.

But it's not like I can do much with a broken arm anyways, the company would just be nice.

Especially because I don't get any from Harry.

The past week as been okay. Harry hasn't totally gone off on me, sure we'd yell at each other but he hasn't hit be ever since I broke, or since HE broke my arm. Me and Harry aren't really talking much lately though either. He's out a lot but even when he's home we keep the talking to a minimum. He doesn't even sleep in the same bed as me anymore, and that's not how a relationship is suppose to be. If this still is a relationship anyways. I think about it day in and day out. I mean, what are me and Harry? Friends? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Or am I just nothing to him? Is he waiting for me to move out? I dont know what he wants and i dont know what I want either. everything's just so hard to understand. I always look at other peoples relationships and just want that to be me and Harry again. It hurts to see Liam and Sophia giggling and flirting with each other as she's cuddled against his chest then having Harry yell at me if I buy the wrong beer. I'm physically and emotionally drained.

I hear the doorbell ring and I groan. I get up off the bed walking downstairs when it rings again. 

"I'm coming!!" I yell.

I unlock the door and open it to come face to face with Sam.

"What are you doing here?!?" I say.

"Can I not see my sister?" He asks.

"Are you stalking me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Course not." He says and walks inside the house looking around. "Nice place."

"It's not mine and you can't come in." I glare at him.

"Can we just talk like civil adults?" Sam sighs.

"No." I say

"You're so childish" Sam rolls his eyes.

"Just get out." I cross my arms.

"What happened to your arm?" Sam looks me up and down.

"Not your problem." I spit.

"Jesus fucking Christ Lessandra stop being a bitch and talk to me. Biologically or not I'm your brother. I loved you like a sister we can just get along?" Sam says getting annoyed.

"I left for a reason Sam ! I needed out. When I left I never wanted to see either of you guys again ! Okay?! It wasn't fucking easy but I did it and don't think you can just come back into my life and be all soft towards you. People change." I say.

"Mom thought you were dead." Sam states.

"Well I'm not." I say.

"She cried for days Lessandra ! Does that mean nothing ?! So what , we aren't blood we're still a family !" Sam screams.

"We were never a family ! You were a shitty brother and mom didn't give two shits about either of us ! I wish I was never adopted by her and dad." I yell in frustration

"Lessandra.." Sam says moving closer towards me and touches my arm.

I quickly flinch away.

"Out." I clench my jaw.

Sam opens his mouth to talk but I interrupt "out!" I scream.

Sam sighs and moves away from me walking towards the door but it's flung open.


"Um hi" Louis looks at me confused.

Sam looks over at me.

"Dont fucking look at me ! Leave !" I yell at Sam.

"Lacey relax.." Louis says.

Sam just shakes his head and walks to his car.

Louis and I both watch once he drives away Louis looks over at me.

"Who was that?" He asks.

"None of your business" I say.

"Would you rather have me ask Harry?" He raises his eyebrow.

I roll my eyes. " that was my brother."

"You have a brother?" He asks.

"I was adopted" I shrug.

Louis just nods , he knows the whole story about me running away but not the details.

"So why are you here?" I ask.

"Zayn told me to check on you" he says.

"Why? To make sure I'm alive? Because we all know Harry would kill me in an instant." I shake my head.

"You know he wouldn't do that." Louis says.

"Bullshit." I spit.

Louis just shakes his head at me.

"Harry's not home." I state.

"Well where is he?" Louis asks.

"You think i know" I laugh.

Louis sighs. "Stop acting like that."

"Like what Louis?! Acting like what?! I broke person ?! I person who is fed up with the bullshit she has to go through ?! Sorry I'm not strong enough to take it." I roll my eyes.

"Then leave ! Lacey ! Then leave ! You always complain you hate it here ! No one is holding you here ! Pack your bags and you can be gone ! But you haven't ! Because you love Harry. Admit it , you care about him and you can't let him go and you hope and pray every day that he'll go back to his old self !" Louis yells.

"I'm going to shower." I say with no emotion.

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