Chapter eleven

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Lacey's POV

I found a 20 dollar bill in my jacket so I picked up a little something later that night because I haven't eaten in forever, I didn't eat at Sams, I regret it though, but I needed to get the hell out of there.

I walk into a gas station bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror, I look so worn out, all colour as been drained from my face, I look like a ghost. I take a deep breath and splash some water onto my face.

I honestly don't know where to go from here. I can't keep going on foot, Harry may be looking for me not that I care and I'm not sure he cares enough to find me. Either way I'm leaving. The country if I have too, that's actually not a bad idea. Buy a plane ticket and restart, alone this time. I've learnt my lesson.

Harry's pov

"any sign of her?" I ask when zayn and Perrie walk back into the house after driving around looking for Lacey.

zayn just shakes his head and Perrie stays quiet.

"fuck!" I end up punching the wall leaving a nice big hole.

"man just calm down" louis says.

"don't fucking tell me to calm down when my girl could be out there dead right now ! what if it were Eleanor huh?! what would you do??" I spit in complete anger.

"I don't disrespect El they way you disrespect Lacey !" Louis yells I can tell he's getting fed up with me.

"it's none of your damn busy how i treat her." I grit through my teeth.

it's taking every ounce of self control in me right now not to beat the fuck out of Louis for saying this shit. plus he's like a brother to me but I swear if he says one more thing I'm going to snap.

"you're fucking insane" Louis mumbles under his breath but just loud enough for me to hear.

I shoot a quick glare at him and the next thing i know a pain shoots through my hand and he's on the floor. I quickly feel Niall pulling me back and Eleanor over Louis. I didn't see much but blood is pouring out of his nose.

"let go of me." I spit.

"no mate, no one needs to get hurt." Niall says.

"the dick deserved it." I say staring at Louis.

"for speaking the truth?" I hear come from Louis although I can't see his face.

"shut up." el says over Louis fixing up his face.

"no. okay I've been quite for to long." Louis then just pushes Eleanor off of him and he gets up standing right in front of me but he's much shorter. "look mate. I love you. i know for a fact Lacey loves you and you possibly love her but once you smarten up and show it give me a call."

with that Louis is out of my house before I can even process what happened.

sure I love her but I can't be the same person I was before I'm in too deep and I need to keep Lacey protected if that means being a cold bastard then so be it. it's called tough love and Lacey better sure as hell get used to it because that's the way things are going to be from now on. I'm building a wall, no one is going to get hurt. my parents are gone and I need to face reality, shit happens people change. you don't like it ? fuck off, but if I say you're staying you're staying.

"Harry, you good mate?" zayn snaps me out of my thoughts.

"yeah yeah I'm good , but we need to find Lacey. now." I say.

"Harry c'mon give it a rest" Niall sighs.

"no. I won't just let it go. she's my fucking girlfriend and I dont care if you guys hate the way I treat her just help me find her." I'm practically begging at this point.

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