Chapter 2

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Ayla's POV

I woke up, my head pounding. I moved to sit up. There was a knock on my door. "Enter!"
A maid stepped in carrying a tray of food.

"Good morning, my dear"

"Morning" I smiled fixing my messy hair.

"Here's your breakfast" she handed me the tray, I thanked her and she left. I stared at the french toast, eggs and bacon. And a glass of lumar elixir. I finished everything and made sure I enjoyed the taste of the lumar elixir.

It's very good for my light abilities and for recharge. Today I've planned to go outside to the town, which is going to cause me a lot of begging. Cause I don't want a kingdom knight to follow me around the hole time. So for the next few minutes I practiced what I'm going to say. I just whish my parents would see me as a sixteen year old girl. And not some seven year old who plays with barbies. (even though I still play with them. But still)

I dressed in my black dress which was just above my knees. I made sure to get a matching bow to tie in my hair. I breathed out.

'you got this'

I thought to myself and headed out rushing down the enormous halls to the throne room. I walked into the throne room as soon as the guards let me pass.

"Princess Ayla, what brings you to our presence? I sure hope it's not some foolish dream of going outside." the king's voice boomed across the room.


"Weeell, about that father..." I smiled nervously.

"Ayla we talked about this" The queen said sternly.


"Fine, we'll send a guard with you"

"Dad noo"

"Your father is right, your safety is everyone's priority. I'm sure both me and your father isn't in the mood to make another human if you die."


"Now you're mother is right. Besides we're old and you'll be taking over the kingdom soon"

"But- wait did you just say I'll be taking over?!"

"Yes, Ayla. You're sixteen, it's about time. We are still busy arranging your wedding."

"What?! A freaking wedding?!"

"Yes" my father coughed.

"But-b-but, I'm not ready"

"You should have prepared yourself"

I shook my head, storming out of the room.


I rushed outside the palace, the warmth hitting my skin making me lazy.

Oh I made it, now...

I looked over to the horse stables.
Nope that would attract the guards attention. Knowing I know that they know what the horses look like, I ain't haven it. I rushed out the gates, sprinting as fast as I can. Once I realized what long walk it will be to get to the village, I stopped running and started walking.


"Hurry up , we ain't got all day!"

The small town was buzzing with busy people. I stared at how much shops were putted up and all the people buying from them. I haven't felt so happy in months. Luckily I brought some maddox with me as I entered a dessert store. I looked around at all the goodies. I hurried to the chocolate tart cake slice.

'23 maddox, not bad'

I thought to myself. I hurried to the cashier.

"Good day" the old woman greeted.

"Hello, I'll be taking this"

"That'll be 23 maddox please"

I handed her the money. I headed out of the shop a small bag in hand which the cake was in. I made my way to the shore and sat on one of the benches. This is the spot I usually wait for Dahlia. We always meet up Saturdays. The only day we aren't so busy. I took a bite from tart enjoying the delicious flavour of dark chocolate.

I casually waited for Dahlia.

A figure emerged from the water, coming up the shore. It was Dahlia. She quickly ran to me sitting down on the space next to me.

"Long time no see" she smiled.

"What took you so long?"

"I ran into a little problem"

"What kind?"

"That kind"

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