Chapter 6

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"For which the fall of Darthera happened about a decade ago. Which left the Emoar empire standing. Still to this day it is known to be one of the best battles in man kind, and should be remembered for further generations."

"All that over a piece of land?"

"Yes, remember that land wasn't just land it was a gold mine. Rich to farmers. Along with the water from the Narita forest."

I stare down at the notes I've scribbled up from the fall of Darthera. And yes, since I'm going to become queen, I need to know all the basics from the start to how we got to where we are know. And to know all history of every kingdom and how they came into existence. Which helps me decide who I'm supposed to see as an alliance? I don't even know what's going on in this royal business. So I only pretend to care.

"Basically, Darthera and Emoar kingdom were once best friends. But when Darthera started expanding in land, Emoar got mad? So they went on a killing spree, then won because Darthera thought that the war was useless but still holded their ground. But in the end the bad guys... Won? "

" Well you summoned that up nicely"

"History's weird"

"But interesting?"

"I guess"

Prof. Conrad laughed and gave me some time to continue my work. Even though I just have the biggest urge to trip, then storm out of this building. That would be so funny. But would get me in trouble. The sun was hanging high in the sky, hitting my skin like hot water, making me even more lazy and sleepy. I sighed, sighed, and sighed again the last time a little louder.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, no, no. Nothings wrong"

Everything is!

"I'll cut your lessons short to cut you some slack"

I sighed again, this time of happiness.

"But make sure to finnish all that before heading out"

I nodded. I'll almost be free. At least I don't get any research homework. I swear all this work will be the death of me. I wrote Dien the last bit happily.

"I'm finished."

Conrad nodded and told me to make sure I go through it a few times, so it stays fresh in my brain. I packed up and left. I walked down the halls greeting every guard I see. The way they had to wear all that armor every day made me feel sad. Yet I know each of them has a story to be told, why they decided to stand on business today and every other. To become a royal protector.

About a few years ago there was war about the difference between the kingdoms. How this breed ain't supposed to be in touch with the other. How fairies and werewolfs aren't supposed to marry each other and stuff like that. People were fighting over the simple things and still are. But like werewolfs can't help that their soul mate is a human, they didn't ask it to be like that. It just is. Hopefully it doesn't happen to me, most of the wolfs I've met have these crazy mood swings and anger issues. They need help for real, for reals.

I opened the library door which wasn't supervised by any guard thanks to the barrier protecting the important stuff inside. Many have tried to break it. But failed successfully. The barrier only allows the given permission to those who have it to enter, which is granted by either the empress, emperor or me. Doesn't matter how careless I am on a daily basis. I went over to my side of the library pushing past strings of veins. I made myself a cozy little studying corner. I placed the books and papers on a shelve made just for my 5'1ft frame. I wouldn't list myself to short.

I walked over to the balcony look down at everything. A few decorations were busy being placed up.

"What's this.."


Without second thought I rushed back to my bedroom, throwing the door open. I looked left and right. Then I found my gaze on a purple book laying on my bed. I picked it up turning pages of pages. Holy nature. To night the nights the kingdoms come to gather to celebrate equality.

Ball of morrow and correlation.

How could I forget about that, no wonder my history lesson was today.

'Friends and enemies'

I don't even know a 12×9.
I'm so unprofessional.
My dress! My clothes?! My hair! My long frizzy hair that's still white instead of black!
My armpit hair!
My acne!.. Oh wait it's gone.

I need to get ready.

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