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Sheena's POV

I'm in my cozy living room, feeling the soft lighting. I sat on the couch while flipping through an old photo album. If my friends see me now, they'd probably say that I look troubled, lost in thought.

I saw Gwen, my long time girlfriend entered the room while holding a cup of her coffee. Something has been off lately. A subtle shift in the air, a chill where warmth once enveloped us. I can't shake this feeling of unease, like I'm grasping at fading memories, trying desperately to hold onto what we once had. The past years, I tried to simply told her the idea of marriage but she would always change the topic and pretend like we never talked about it.

It's hard to think that we did grow individually but we never progressed as a couple.

"Hey, what's on your mind?" she started.

I look up to her and tried hiding the hint of sadness in me. "Gwen, can we talk?" Maybe it's time to confront the distance that has crept between us, to unravel the mystery of Gwen's sudden withdrawal.

She sat beside me with a concerned look. "Of course, what's bothering you love?"

I handed her the photo album that I was browsing earlier. "Remember these? Our memories from when we first met, when everything was so ... easy?" I hesitantly said.

These photos hold fragments of our past, moments frozen in time when our love felt invincible. But now, they serve as a painful reminder of what we've lost or what we may possibly lost.

Gwen nodded and started flipping through the album with a wistful smile on her lips. "Yeah, those were good times. What about them?"

I sighed. I placed the album on the coffee table and looked at her. "It's just ... you know, lately, things have felt different between us. You've been distant, and I can't shake this feeling that something's changed."

The words hang heavy in the air, a silent plea for understanding, for Gwen to open up and bridge the growing chasm between us.

She avoided the eye contact and her expression is guarded. I don't know what's going on. I'm freaking clueless and I don't like this. "I know, Shee. And I'm sorry if I've been distant. It's just ... life gets overwhelming sometimes, you know?"

Her words feel like a veil, masking deeper truths she's afraid to reveal. But beneath her guarded facade, I sense a tumult of emotions, a storm brewing in the depths of her heart. I know she's hiding something from me.

I forced myself to smile and reached for her hands. "But we used to talk about everything. What happened to us?"

I'm desperate for answers, for a glimpse into Gwen's inner turmoil. But her silence speaks volumes, echoing the growing divide between us.

She pulls her hand away gently, and looked down. "I wish I had a clear answer for you, Shee. But the truth is, I've been feeling lost. Lost in who I am, what I want... It's like I'm struggling to find myself again."

Her admission cuts deep, a jagged wound reopening old scars of doubt and insecurity. How did we drift so far apart without even realizing it?

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? We're supposed to face these things together." My heart aches with the weight of unspoken fears, with the realization that Gwen has been fighting her battles alone, shielding me from her pain.

Her voice trembles slightly. "I was scared, Shee. Scared of disappointing you, of admitting that I'm not the same person I was when we met."

Her vulnerability pierces through the walls I've built around my own insecurities, forging a fragile connection in the midst of our fractured bond.

I took her hands in mine and tried speaking softly. "Gwen, you could never disappoint me. I love you for who you are, not who you think you should be."

In this moment, as our hands intertwine, I vow to stand by Gwen's side, to weather the storms of uncertainty and rediscover the flickering embers of our love.

"I love you too, Shee. But I need time to figure things out, to rediscover myself." Her tears mirror my own unspoken fears, but beneath the pain lies a glimmer of hope, a promise of renewal amidst the wreckage of our shattered expectations.

I nodded understandingly. I pulled her into a warm embrace. "Take all the time you need. I'll be here, waiting for you, every step of the way."

We hold each other tightly, finding solace in each other's arms as we try to navigate this uncertain journey together. I thought we were doing fine. I thought we will be okay. But one day after months of the confrontation, she said something that did not just broke my heart. It shattered all my dreams and hopes.

And that's when I knew that I'm losing her and I might end up chasing the sunsets alone.


If you're reading this, thank you for supporting BINI Series :> this will be the last book from the Series. I hope you support Hambebe's Chasing Sunsets as much as how you supported TSNK, MID, and 90210.

Make sure to read BINI Series #1, #2, and #3 first before reading Sheena and Gwen's Chasing Sunsets. This story contains spoiler of BINI Series.

BINI Series #1: JhoLet's Things She'll Never Know

BINI Series #2: MikhAiah's Midnight in December

BINI Series #3: Malcey's 90210

Chasing Sunsets (BINI Series #4)Where stories live. Discover now