-Lost in The Dunes-

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Madison puts on her visor to keep the sand off her eyes and walks out of the ship in excitement."I can't wait to see what's here!!! Ahhh! Maybe I'll possibly meet my dad here if he's alive... Gaia what lives here!" Gaia sighs and looks it up "do you want to deal with giant worms with teeth?" Madison gasps as her eyes brighten

Madison - "GIANT WORMS?! Maybe I can befriend one! Or many!"

Gaia - "Madison-"

Madison - "oh the possibilities I could do on this dunes planet! I wonder what the food was like here. How did they survive here? Where is the building?"

Gaia - "Madison"

Madison - "Wait! What if they're underground!"

Gaia - "MADISON!"

Gaia clears his throat "Madison. These worms spit acid and. This places is in ruins because of them" Madison looks down "oh. Well I could still be ones friend!" Gaia sighs and walks through Crorix with Madison. Gaia sees Madison trying to walk in a different direction but he pulls her back to him. "No." She rolls her eyes and kicks sand as the ground starts to rumble. "Gaia.. you don't think it's.." Gaia scans below "it is" he pulls her out of the way as the giant worm shoots up from the sand and stares at the two. Gaia points a gun at it and the worm hisses. "Gaia no!" He doesn't put the gun down but Madison walks up to the worm but it's mouth starts to glow green. "MADISON!" She looks back confused "LOOK!" She looks up and dodges the acid attack. "What the hell!!?" An Aalkool climbs onto the worm and the worm starts shrieking from the small stabs. The Aalkool shoots glass into its head and the worm falls dead.

Madison - "Nooo.. aww.."

Gaia - "Madison it was going to kill you..."

The Aalkool looks over after her name was said. "Madison...? I know a Madison..." he smiles under the scarf. "How's Grace." Madison realizes who it is and runs up to him jumping into a hug "Dad!!" Ke-Naal smiles and hugs her.

Ke-Naal - "So.. how's your mother and why are you here"

Madison - "I may have ran away.. well flew away on a ship.. with Gaia... and I guess she's okay."

Ke-Naal - "Gaia?" He looks over "oh.. so you guys are making robot like androids now??"

Madison - "just for the foundation.."

He smiles then looks at the worm "these are dangerous you know.. unless you find a baby. It's not as bad... the acid can harm you very badly." Madison sighs looking away "I tried to warn her.." Gaia puts his hand on her shoulder. "I try to protect her.. but she just walks right into danger thinking she could fix it with some kindness" Ke-Naal laughs "just like how her mother used to be..." Madison walks away from their conversation and explores on her own. She finds lots of mysterious stuff, but Ke-Naal and Gaia eventually catch up to her "You're very quick Madison." Ke-Naal pats her head "I'm impatient.. I don't want to stand there and do nothing as you both talk I just.. want to explore and see the new things I can find!" She smiles at Gaia. Ke-Naal whistles over a worm, it comes out of the sand as the two, Madison and Gaia, see a collar on the worm.

Madison and Gaia - "It's tamed!?"

Ke-Naal - "yes of course, I raised it since it was a baby.. it's mother left it behind after being startled.. so I took care of him."

Madison - "awww I wanna befriend one"

Ke-Naal - "that will be a long process Madison.. very long"

Madison - "watch me!"

She runs off as the other two go after her. She sees a worm jump out of the sand and look at her "uhm hi!" Shows food "hungry..?" It sniffs what she has then takes it and leaves. She looks back at her dad smiling.


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