-A Visit.. Home..?"

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     Ke-Naal walks to Madison putting a small souvenir in her hand "keep this.. keep this and keep it safe. It's special. It would even be special to your own mother." Madison smiles "Thanks dad.." she then sighs looking  at it as they feel rumbling in the ground "be careful this time Madison.." Gaia stares at her. "Yeah yeah grumpy and overprotective android.." Madison gets lifted off the ground by the worm. "Ah! Woah!" She falls sitting on the back of it "hey!" It stops to look at her making a small grunt "u-uhm was this necessary..?" It lets her get off but Madison stays on the worm. It then looks her confused "I don't mind having you lift me up it was just.. very unexpected..."

Ke-Naal - "It likes you madi"

Madison - "yeah I can see that.." she pets it gently

Gaia - "hey Madison I think we have to go..."

Madison - "what's wrong?"

Gaia - "I'm.. detecting a larger ship nearby.."

Madison jumps down from the worm and rushes to Gaia to look at his scanner. "Crap! It's by our ship!" She puts in a code on her arm to make their ship invisible. 

Madison - "Should we hide as well.?"

Gaia - "We will on my call..."

Madison looks at him nervously waiting for the call until a females voice screams Madison's name through the dunes. Madison recognizes the voice. "Oh no... no no no... she found me.. no she found us!" Gaia sighs "Let me guess..." Madison nods fast before he gets to the point.


Madison - "crap crap crap crap.. she's going to end me..."

Grace sees Madison and rushes to her. "Madison!! You're so grounded young lady.."

Madison - "but mom.."

Grace - "I told you to stay near! And did you do! You left! And I thought you were dead!

Gaia - "Commander..."

Grace - "not now Gaia... I'm dealing with her right now!"

Gaia. - "it's important..."

Grace sighs "what is it:..."

Gaia - "behind you..."

Grace - "well! Not now! I'm dealing with her that has to be Home...."

Ke-Naal just waits there til she turns around. Eventually Gaia makes her turn around and she sees him. "Ke-Naal..! You are alive..." she starts tearing up "I thought you died here.." Ke-Naal holds her hand "I never die here.. I told you I was going back to protect my home. But when I tried to visit they destroyed the ship, so I was left here to scavenge and protect myself" Grace gives him a tight hug

Grace -  "Madison has to return home... you can come along if you want! But you Madison.. you're never flying..again."

Madison - "But mom!!"

Grace - "no buts.. get to the ship.. Now."

Madison sighs and walks to the ship with the three. Grace keeps her eyes on Madison as Apex(security but also assistant for Grace) lifts off with Madison's ship attached to it. "You won't be leaving my sight... and once you're home I'll be putting you in a room with your suit deactivated." Madison ignores her as she looks out the window and she whispers to herself "I don't want to go home.. there more I want to see..." Gaia rubs her back but she refuses his comfort. Gaia walks up to Grace "Commander you sure this should be best for her.?" Grace looks at him "nevermind that .. I'll stay quiet"

Apex gets them back to the station safely. Once the ship lands they try dragging Madison off the ship

Madison - "I can walk you know!"

Apex - "well you'll run away."

She looks away from them upset as she's pushed into a room "Hey! No!" The door locks on her "what are you doing!!" She tries to get the door open "let me out!" Ke-Naal looks at Madison then turns away walking towards Grace. A medium sized centipede crawls to Madison curious "yes..?" It crawls up her leg then settles onto her shoulder. "You look like something from far away... why are you so far from home?" It makes small growls then rest around her neck Madison smiles slightly "rest well..." the power goes out..

Madison - "Ah! What happened!?"


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