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☆ 42. Chapter 41

Chapter 41

: The civet cat was lying on the branch like an elegant lady, swinging its long tail, seemingly very leisurely. But if you take a closer look, you will find that its half-closed eyes, as if dozing off, have been staring at Qi Yue.

??Seeing Qi Yue being attacked by a monkey, the cat's mind was filled with gloating, and he even had the urge to go up and mend his claws.

??But things turned out to be wrong later. Why did these monkeys come for the zombies? They obviously came for the food in the carriage.

??Now the cat couldn't sit still. Everything in the carriage was moved in by the cat with its own eyes as the mourner, porter, and corpse were moved in. They all belong to it alone.

??Although the mourner, the porter, the warehouse manager, and the corpse were rebellious and drove the cat out and made it very angry, this does not mean that anyone can touch its things.


??The civet cat jumped down from the tree, stepped on the monkeys' heads, and reached the carriage before them. Immediately afterwards, the entire truck disappeared from the monkeys' sight.

??The target suddenly disappeared,??the movements of the monkey group stopped,??there was a small commotion.

Qi Yue praised the civet cat in his heart, "Okay, little thief cat," and the evil dragon will definitely thank you for guarding the treasure after the crisis is over.

??It's a pity that the monkey group is not just a group of stupid monkeys.? They came to the place where the truck was originally parked, stretched out their claws, and then were scratched by the invisible cat.

??There is only one cat,?but there are many monkeys. Even with Cat's best efforts, it was revealed that the truck was still in place.

??However, with the attack power of ordinary monkeys and the difficulty caused by the stealth of the truck, the defense of the carriage can still withstand it for a period of time.

??The most urgent task is to deal with the big monkey in front of us first.

??One dragon and one monkey have some concerns in their hearts. They haven't really started to fight each other yet, they are still in the stage of testing each other.

??The big monkey showed its strength by showing its teeth and claws. Qi Yue thought that he could not show weakness and growled at it.

??The big monkey was stunned for a moment and bared his teeth at Qi Yue.

??Qi Yue frowned, why, who doesn't have teeth?

??He was about to open his mouth, but suddenly remembered that he really seemed to have no teeth.

??He remembered that when he was promoted to Level 2, he saw in the mirror his half-grown baby teeth... This monkey was clearly mocking him, Sun!

??Dad is really afraid of you, a monkey, because he can't turn you into a zombie. Believe it or not, dad can beat you without claws or teeth!

??Just do it, Qi Yue held up his paws, took the initiative to stop the monkey, rushed over and punched the monkey's face.

??The big monkey's reaction was faster than Qi Yue's. His big hand suddenly grasped Qi Yue's fist, grabbed his arm, and threw him away.

??Qi Yue flapped his wings and stabilized his figure in the air.

??Monkeys swing back and forth in the trees every day, and they are definitely not as agile as them. The leader monkey is the one who fights the most among the monkeys, so it is not a good idea to compete with him in terms of force.

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