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I brought the knife down, stabbing into the chunk of Ayolen meat placed on my plate. I brought it up to my mouth and slowly chewed, forcing it down my throat. It wasn't that it was bad, in fact, it was rather delicious. But my stomach still churned regardless, the sudden feeling that something was wrong destroying my appetite.

"Is it not to your liking?" Atlaster politely inquired, gesturing towards my practically untouched meal with his fork. Kaseko and Katoka accompanied us, gathered at a local pub to dine for the evening. Citizens of the strange Haven laughed with one another around us, the occasional hunter bursting through the door with some form of strange animal to present to the chefs who gratefully accepted it in exchange for their form of currency.

I didn't quite understand the place. A group of outcasts, criminals, thrown from their factions only to form a society with one another? To create peace with fellow delinquents? Of course, some willingly left their homes, just as Kaseko had. But the others? I wasn't so sure. And maybe I would never truly know.

"No, it's wonderful, really. I'm just... Not hungry," I replied with a small smile, hoping to mask the nausea that bubbled up inside me. Had something happened in the Lux faction? Had something happened to Pylia?

The thought of the girl made holding down what I had consumed nearly impossible.

"Actually, I need a moment outside." I abruptly rose from my seat and swiftly left the establishment, ignoring the concerned looks I earned from my newfound allies. The door slammed shut behind me as I hurried onto the cobbled streets, passing countless citizens who conversed with their loved ones and displayed their abilities, both of which I didn't have.

I winded down pathways with no thought in my mind about direction, unable to shake the sickening feeling that caused bile to rise in my throat. Please be okay, I begged no one in particular. Tears welled in my eyes, and a single drop forced its way down my flushed cheek at the sharp winds that sliced against my face.

I broke out into a sprint and didn't stop until I hit a wall head-on, knocking me down onto smooth stones that caused pain to erupt through my body. No, that wasn't right—it couldn't be. Walls don't move, they don't speak, and they certainly don't ask if you're okay.

"My apologies," a deep yet kind voice said, a hand outstretched, waiting for me to grab it. When I only sat there in silence the person bent down, cupping my face in their hands. I looked up through shrouded eyes, a man with honey skin and black hair pulled into a messy ponytail staring back at me with a soft dark glare.

"What's an attractive girl like you doing around here at this hour? You could get seriously hurt—this place isn't very safe. I speak from experience." I only now noticed the light accent he had, as he brushed aside tears from my cheeks. Great, I thought. Now he believes I'm weak.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you could help yourself, but it may be difficult without a power." I froze at his statement. How did he—

"I'm a shadow user. I assume you've never met one before, have you?" I reluctantly shook my head and listened as a light chuckle left his lips. "Of course you haven't. Well, members of the Tenebris faction can see how much power is in members of the Lux faction. The same thing goes for light users; it's the only thing we share in common. And I can't sense that in you. Well, not anymore. But you had magic at some point, didn't you?"

"I have magic now," I shot back. His presumptuous words had uncovered things I didn't want to remember. What I did was unforgivable, and it was safer that my ability was stripped from me.

"Then use it," he challenged. So I did. The skin of his face rotted away, the ivory of his skull exposed. Hands that had swept away my tears were nothing more than thin bones. One of the only things still left on his barren skeleton was the clothes he wore. He was dishonorable; corrupted. And I was left alone with him.

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