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"Oh, it's- it's like a bird, it's like a- like a-" Ceasar struggles to find the words. I know he's stunned. I'm stunned. Panem is stunned.

"Like a mockingjay," I answer, holding my head high as my arms and wings are still splayed out.

Ceasar laughs, whoops and holds my hand high in the air. "Well, your stylist has certainly outdone himself this time! Everyone, Cinna!"

The cameras turn to Cinna as he waves, not smiling or giving anybody satisfaction. I purse my lips and try to think positive. I can't manage it.

Cinna's risked his life in the process of making this. And President Snow surely won't let this go unpunished. And the fact that this mockingjay is fast becoming the symbol of the rebellion...

"So Austin," Ceasar says a few minutes later, when I'm standing in a row with the other tributes behind him. "The wedding, the marriage... never to be."

"Well, actually, we got married," Austin says. I do a double take. Where the hell is he going with this? "In secret."

"A secret wedding? Alright, do tell," Ceasar's always one for some gossip.

"We want our love to be eternal," Austin smiles.

I sigh, because the look on his face...

If it wasn't obvious that he wasn't acting before, it certainly is now.

"You know, Willow and I have been luckier than most. I mean, I wouldn't have any regrets at all if it weren't for..."

He comes to a stop and trails off. I'm really scared about what's coming.

"What? If it weren't for what?" Ceasar prods him on.

"If it weren't for..." Austin tries again but can't find the words. He takes a deep, heavy, breath, then answers. "If it weren't for the baby."

There! He's done it again! Wiped out the efforts of every e-

I am pregnant.

What the fuck-

I remember Haymitch's words.

"These victors are angry, Willow, they'll say anything to try and stop the games, I suggest you do the same, too."

And that's what Austin has done. And it clearly has worked because the crowd has gone crazy. "Alright, alright, this is news," Ceasar says, but this isn't enough. "Let's find out more! This is news to all of us!"

But the crowd has already gone crazy. "Stop the games!" Several of them shout.

"She can't go in that arena!" Someone contributes.

"Stop the games! Stop the games! Stop the games!"

Peacekeepers eventually calm the crowd down and Austin comes up to stand beside me. I instantly hug him and whisper. "You gave it your best shot," into his ear. He nods slowly as we stand.

I don't mean it to happen, but it does. Instantly, I reach forward and grab Austin's hand, then I catch Chaff's stump of one in my other.

Then it happens. All up and down the two lines, the tributes start linking hands. Some tributes are instantly up for it (Mags, Beetee and Wiress) and some take a bit more convincing (Brutus and Enobaria), but we all eventually do it.

And then we raise our hands in the air. By now, the audience has stopped listening to Ceasar's outro and are turning their attention to us.

And then the studio goes black and all the lights cut out as well as the broadcast, but it's too late, they've already seen us-

𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 ☘︎ 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora