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District Two is a large District. This is slightly to do with their wealth, but mainly because the Capitol just prefers them to everyone else. Their trade is called masonry, but they also train Peacekeepers.

There's a group of rebels in Two that have been fighting to overthrow the Capitol military inside the district. I thought this would be an easy task, and it would have been, if it wasn't for what I soon found out.

Anyways, when we arrive and get off the hovercraft, there's a man greeting us. "Welcome to District Two! I'm Corporal Holmes, can you follow me, please?"

We get about two steps before there's a boom in the air. "Don't worry, it's just how the loyalists say good morning," Holmes laughs.

He leads all of us (Gale, Beetee, Haymitch, Cressida, Messala, Castor, Pollux, Plutarch, Boggs and I) to a building. But before that, I get to see the state that the District is in. It's not quite as bad as Eight, but it certainly compares.

When we get inside, I see that basically all the rebels from Two are there, along with the rebels from Eight, who obviously needed somewhere to cover after the hospital was bombed. Paylor (their supposed leader) gives me a small smile as we head inside. I smile back; or at least the corners of my lips twitch.

We stand around a table with a rotating projection on it. It shows a mountain and the inside, which is covered in military, nuclear weapons, normal weapons, bombs and hovercrafts.

The rebels' leader, who is a woman called Lyme (I learn that she is also a victor), gets a TV to sit at the end of the table, and Coin comes on it a second later, joining the chat by video call.

"President Coin we are indebted to you for the reinforcements and the Mockingjay. But I don't think anybody outside District Two knows what we've been up against," she gestures to the mountain on the projection. "This is the 'Nut'. The Capitol's headquarters for all offensive operations. It's manned by both military and civilian personel from District Two. As you can see, the fortress lies so deep within the bedrock it's untouchable. Yesterday we attempted to take the northeastern gate, the enemy countered from higher up and we were forced to pull back. We took heavy losses."

"Could we create a decoy?" Boggs suggests. "Send troops towards one gate, launch a staggered attack on the other?"

"And who's troops do you propose as a decoy, Commander?" Paylor jumps in quickly.

"We have the Mockingjay, don't underestimate her. We could use her to erode support, she may be able to sway some of the loyalists." Coin instantly fights back in a polite manner. I feel like I should back her up, but I stay silent.

"You've been underground a long time, Madam Coin; this isn't like the rest of Panem. Support from the Capitol runs deep here," Lyme tries to put it into perspective.

"Then there is no sacrifice too great," Coin's voice goes dangerously low. "We need to control the arsenal inside that fortress. Even with every district in its alliance, we are outgunned."

"I won't commit my people to a ground assault just to pillage weapons," Paylor pipes up again.

Coin purses her lips. "Commander Paylor, your people have suffered just about more than anyone else at the hands of the Capitol-"

"Which is why I won't condone a mass suicide."

"If we don't take District Two we won't get into the Capitol-"

"Would it be enough to disable the fortress?" Gale, who stands beside me, finally says something. "Instead of taking it?"

"What do you have in mind?" Lyme raises her brows.

𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 ☘︎ 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now