Chapter Eleven

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Emery Gray

There wasn't more I could do other than hold my breath as I stared at those goblin-green eyes reflecting the man behind me. Gone was the previous anger he showed. Taking up residence in his expression was something I'd never seen. It was calm. Too calm. Eerily so. Maybe I gained confusing emotions for a serial killer. With the way he was staring at me, I'd almost think he was looking at his main course during a buffet.

And there was the little fact that I was wearing the costume he shoved into my hands before he walked off a little while ago. When I saw what he'd picked out, I wanted to burst into tears. I'd say I didn't cry, but I did. I was a massive fucking baby. My empathetic heart wanted to run over to him and apologize. I hadn't meant to hurt his feelings. I truly thought I was doing the best thing for both of us by keeping my distance. Apparently, I was wrong. I was way off course.

Alaric was hurt, and I was the one who hurt him.

No matter which way I looked at it, I was in the wrong.

The longer we stood there in a staring contest, the more uneasy I felt. Part of me wondered if he was about to tell me he wanted to go home. Or that he found the bus schedule, and he bought a fucking ticket to get away from me. I couldn't blame him for that. I really couldn't.

I dropped my gaze to my shoes. "I'm sorry." It came out as both a plea and an apology wrapped into one. I begged him to stay with only two words. I didn't want him to go anywhere. I kept pushing him away, so I knew I couldn't blame him if that was what he wanted. Several people have escaped me before–this wouldn't be any different. "I'm so sorry."

"Look at me." The demanding voice behind me had my head snap up to make eye contact with him again. "Better."

Jesus, does he know about my secret kink or fucking what? I like being told what to do. And something about his expression told me he figured that real fast. Super. Another thing I get to be embarrassed about.

I didn't expect it when his arm came over my shoulder. Nope. And I didn't see it coming when his hand carefully trailed from the base of my neck toward my chin. His touch was so feather light–as if he was afraid I'd break. Well, I could assure him of one thing. I couldn't breathe. I followed the path he took with my eyes, gasping when his hand stopped midway to its assumed destination. He gently forced my head to tilt back slightly until all I could see were those eyes of his.

What the fuck is happening? And how did I make him continue?

"Perfect." He didn't remove his hand as he pushed me back against his chest. "I've always wanted your eyes on me." Holy fuck, I shivered. No, don't do this to me. Please. I think a whine escaped. I was pretty sure he heard it. He closed his eyes, and it looked like he was...soaking in the sound I made. Okay. Let me try and keep my calm. Too late. "I always looked at you when you thought no one was watching. Do you know that?"

I could only shake my head. I didn't trust myself to speak. Looking at the way his gaze darkened caught me completely off guard. "It only takes one person to change someone's outlook, isn't that right?" I wasn't sure where he was going with this, but I nodded anyway as I swallowed hard against his hand. I was going to die. And not because he choked me. "I don't spontaneously invite myself on other people's road trips. I don' if people like me or not."

"Alaric." My voice was shaking when it broke free with only his name on my lips.

"Shh. I made you a promise, and I'm trying to keep it, Little Phantom." He practically whispered. Who was this man and how did I welcome him to stay? "But I cared if you liked me. I cared what you thought. And more than that, I made an effort to get you to notice me. I don't do that. I don't care about things like that."

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