01|Dreadful nightmare

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My mother beckoned me, but I hesitated to wake up as I found myself in a fantastical world with my fictional boyfriend, named-


What a surprise!

Why the hell Mom is calling him this early??

I thought it was a fairytale dream, but it turned out to be a dreadful NIGHTMARE.



My mother shouted, and I got startled.

I needed to get ready for the day, and my playlist was Necessary for my shower routine.

After turning on the music, taking a shower, I was all set for another challenging day. With "I am the central of attraction" I wish he'd disappear.

"Good morning, Mom." I sat down at the dining table, eager for my favorite dish, aaloo ke parathe.

"Good morning, have breakfast quickly and drop Divye off at college today," she instructed.

"Why? He can go by himself; he's not a child," I argued.

"His car is at the service, so you have to give him a ride," she explained.

"Then he can take the bus or a taxi; I'm not his babysitter," I replied.

"Parriiii." She gave me a disapproving look.

"Fine." I accepted reluctantly and rolled my eyes.


As I headed to the driveway, there he was, a DEMON. He winked at me.I rolled my eyes.



"So someone is caring?" He smirked.

"You shall soon find out!" I winked at him, and he responded with a smirk.

"Let's crank up the tunes." He reaches over to start the music.

"Keep your grubby paws off my car!" I pricked his hand.

"Why must you consistently show an air of arrogance towards me?" He exclaimed with fury.

"Why must you persist in your existence?" I retorted

"For your sake ," he winked and smirked.

I stared at him, feeling frustrated.


I stopped the car near a shop. "Could you bring some water for me? I'm thirsty and I forgot my water bottle." I said.

He nodded. "Of course, I won't argue with you, especially since you're providing the ride." He departed.

As he entered the shop, I started the car and waved, "Goodbye, Bitter gourd."

I do have an odd love for bitter gourd; I admit I'm Weird!

He seemed Absolutely perplexed.

I accelerated.

"I'll get you for this," he snapped.


I parked the car and greeted Ruhi, my best friend. "Hey, sweetheart What's up?"

She hugged me. "Nothing, just boring life's chaos."

I concurred. "Likewise."

"You know what I did today? I left Divye stranded in the middle of the road," I exclaimed.

She chuckled. "You're so cruel! But Didn't he have his car?" She inquired, puzzled.

I shook my head. "His car was in service, and since he's like a son to my parents, my mom insisted I give him a lift."

"What kind of wretched times it was when he became my neighbor." I added with frustration.

"His best friend is coming towards." she whispered joyfully.

She has a huge crush on him since high school.

"What's happening, ladies? Where's Divye?" He questioned.

Ruhi gazed at him with flushed cheeks.

"I'm not sure; perhaps he's unwell, which is why he hasn't arrived," I shrugged.

"Let's head to class, Ruhi." I suggested, while she remained captivated by him, and he responded with a gentle smile.


"As you're all aware, the freshers party is in one week, so I'll be pairing my favorite students for a dance because I enjoy matchmaking couples," she declared with excitement.

A knock interrupted.

"Good morning, Ma'am."

Stay tuned📍

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