05|Giant Cockroach

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"Someone slipped a note into my bag," Ms. Twinkle remarked with a smile, "asking me to be his prom date," she detailed.

Amidst the curious glances exchanged, Divye and Vihaan engaged in their own conversation, unaware of the unfolding drama.

"Divye," she approached him, "My dear, I never realized you cared so much for me. I'll go with you," she embraced him.

"Is he out of his mind?" Ruhi inquired, chewing on chips and She offered me some too, clearly enjoying the drama.

"Are you sure you drank coffee this morning??" Sam questioned doubtfully.

Divye shot him a glare.

Vihaan intervened, placing a hand on Divye's shoulder, "Not intoxicated, merely captivated." Vihaan teased.

"He has someone in his life? Strange," I murmured to myself.

Ruhi overheard me and questioned, "Why are you interested?" suspiciously, nudging my elbow.

Divye kicked vihaan, retracting his words, "Ms. Twinkle, I was referring to her."

"You mischievous kids, don't tease my boy."

"I did it," I whispered to Ruhi.

"What?" she asked, oblivioused

"I placed that note in her bag," I confessed quietly.

"What?" She exclaimed loudly; I covered her mouth.

All eyes were on us.

I awkwardly scratched my head and smiled.

"There's a cockroach."

"I bit her."

We both exclaimed simultaneously, leading to playful mockery from the others.

"I never knew we had a 5'4" tall cockroach in our class," she teased.

"Do cockroaches grow as tall as us?" Ruhi inquired, looking at me. "And one's in our class. Did you spot that giant cockroach, Pari?" she asked, puzzled.

I nudged her elbow.

"The adversary cockroach who will soon regret." Divye remarked, eyeing me.

"Did he just call you a cockroach?" Ruhi asked me.

"Why would she regret??" Ms. Twinkle asked.

He immediately retracted his words. "To scare such an innocent soul."

"I thought you were referring to... whatever," Ms. Twinkle uttered.

Divye took the note from Ms. Twinkle to see the mess I had entangled him in.

Ms. Twinkle, would you accompany me to the freshers' party and join me for dinner afterward? Please don't decline.

                           -Your sweetheart, Divye.

He glared at me. I winked and texted him.

Now, who stole whose freshers' party?

He remained silent.

"Pari, I'm pairing you with Vihaan. Are you fine with this?" she inquired.

"Yes, Miss, I'm completely fine with this," I responded with a smile, my gaze fixed on Divye.


I made my way to the driveway when Divye called out my name, "Pariiii." Ignored him, he called again, "Pariii, stop," reaching out to grab my arm and turned me to face him.

"Who let you out of your cage?" I chuckled.

"Why did you do that?" he questioned, stepping closer with a hint of anger.

"You should have considered the consequences before crossing me," I retorted.

He chuckled, "Do you think you've won?" Taking a step towards me, he warned, "Get ready for the freshers' day."

"Pariiii," Vihaan's voice interrupted, "I'm sorry, I won't be able to make it to fresher's. My dad called, There's a family function that day, and I can't miss it."


Divye laughed, "Now, who will you go to the freshers with?" teasing me.

I kicked him, and he winced. "I'd rather go alone than with you," I declared.

"If you keep kicking me like this, you won't be able to have kids," he muttered angrily.

"What did you say?" I inquired, not catching his words.

"What did I say? I'm groaning here, can't you see, and it's all because of you," he complained.

"Then you shouldn't keep provoking me," I shrugged.

"Why even start if you can't handle it?" he raised his voice.

"Because I'm tired of you being in my life," I shot back.

"What did I do to make you hate me so much?" he softened his tone.

"I... I just don't like you." I said. hesitantly.

"I was foolish to think you were my friend," he said, pain evident in his voice.

Trying to divert the conversation, I mentioned, "You'll enjoy your dinner with Ms. Twinkle."

"Yeah, I will. Thank you for your 'favor,'" he replied with a hint of sadness and anger.

Did you like that Giant Cockroach?? And can you all guess what's going on between pari and divye??

Stay tuned📍

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