11|That's My Girl

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Author's POV

Divye, Sam, and Vihaan were sitting on the ground, deep in conversation. Vihaan's gaze was fixed on Divye.

“So, when did you start liking Pari? I used to tease you about her because I thought you hated her!” Vihaan exclaimed, still shocked by Divye's confession. He turned to Sam. “And why the hell aren't you surprised?” he raised an eyebrow.

“Because I'm not oblivious like you,” Sam shrugged.

“From the moment I first saw her, I started LOVING HER. It was love at first sight. I was 7 years old when I first met her. It took me the whole 0.000001 seconds to fall in love with her! It's been 12 years, and it still feels the same though!," Divye reminisced with a soft smile.

He continued "I love teasing her, and teasing is the only way to talk to her. I don't know what happened to her! When we were kids, I always teased her, which is why she used to hate me. But when we hit ages 12 and 13, we became friends. However, after two days, she ended the friendship. I'm still confused. After that, she became more distant and started hating me. Our relationship is complicated," he sighed sorrowfully.

“I remember she was depressed at that time, but I don't know the reason,” Vihaan remarked.

“I think there's something related to her uncle. I found something off about that clown!” Samarth added.

“I think the same!” Divye agreed.

“We should figure out what happened!” Vihaan suggested.

“I think we should inquire with Ruhi! She would know for sure,” Sam suggested. “But I don't think she would spill anything.”

“She would if the right person asks,” Vihaan winked at Divye.

Divye and Vihaan exchanged a smirk and then looked at Sam.

Sam understood their evil smirk and shook his head. “No, no, no. I am not going to do this!”

Divye and Vihaan shrugged.


"Guys, my stomach's playing the drums. This is the time to silence the hunger symphony with some food! Let's head to the canteen!” Vihaan said, placing a hand on his stomach.

Pari's POV

Ruhi and I were sitting in the canteen, sipping on our drinks and chatting animatedly about the upcoming school event.

"I think Rohan has a crush on you at first sight! He's really whipped," Ruhi chuckled.

"He seems like a donkey to me!" I replied, feeling irritated by Rohan's antics.

“Hey guys, can I join you?” Niharika asked, holding her plate. She seemed nice, so we nodded.

“Sure, you can!” I replied.

As Niharika settled into the conversation, Ruhi and I were eager to learn more about her interests and hobbies.

"So, Niharika, what do you enjoy doing outside of school?" Ruhi asked, breaking the ice.

Niharika's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "I absolutely love painting and dancing! They're my go-to activities whenever I need to unwind."

Just then, Rohan swaggered over and took a seat in front of us at our table. "Missed me?" he said, casting a glance in my direction. I rolled my eyes in response.

He noticed Niharika. “Ms. Chirping is also here.”

Niharika playfully hit his shoulder. “Shut up, you frog!” she replied, irritated.

Rohan's smirk widened as he turned his gaze toward me, ignoring Niharika's sharp comeback. I rolled my eyes, already anticipating what he might say next.

“So, are you single?” He leaned back and continued. “If so, then let's date. You'll get the hottest boyfriend,” he winked at me.

Well, I didn't expect this!

I rolled my eyes in response.

Author's POV

The boys were walking toward the canteen and caught Rohan's gaze. They stopped, and Divye raised an eyebrow.

“This chimpanzee was also glued to her during the whole damn class!” Divye muttered to himself.

“So, are you single?” Rohan leaned back and continued. “If so, then let's date. You'll get the hottest boyfriend,” he winked at Pari.

She rolled her eyes.

Divye and Sam were standing at the counter, staring at them, while Vihaan was checking the canteen’s food and rejecting the entire menu.

Rohan continued, “Come on, at least we can hook up! I wouldn't disappoint you,” he winked at her.

Divye burst out in anger and was about to approach them when Sam grasped him by the waist, while attempting to bring Vihaan along.

Pari boiled with anger and was about to hit Rohan’s face.

Vihaan turned back. “Hey, let's order something. These people are serving hay in the name of foo—”

“Hey, hey, I was kiddi—” Rohan tried to defend himself, but it was too late because Pari had already left her fist Smack!

“Kidding!” Rohan sighed and groaned in pain.

As Rohan lay on the floor rubbing his cheek, the canteen fell silent. Vihaan, still in awe, started clapping slowly. Everyone's gaze turned to him, their expressions a mix of confusion and surprise.

"Woah!" Vihaan exclaimed, shocked by Pari's strength. "Amazing."

Samarth released his hold on Divye's waist, and Divye stood proudly, a smile spreading across his face. He folded his arms over his chest and spoke in a low voice, "That's my Girl!"

Meanwhile, Pari stood there, her expression a mix of frustration and disbelief. She had enough of Rohan's persistent flirting.

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