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"As you're all aware, the freshers party is in one week, so I'll be pairing my favorite students for a dance because I enjoy matchmaking couples," she declared with enthusiasm.

A knock interrupted.

"Good morning, Ma'am."

Ms Twinkle examined him from head to toe.

"You're late, Mr. Divye," she remarked.

"I was caught in traffic, Ms." he defended.

"Then why do you appear as if you rushed here straight after a passionate encounter?" she observed, noting his gasping and flushed cheeks.

Ruhi spurted out her water.

I chuckled; she's adorable.

"My car's engine broke down halfway, so I had to walk to get here," he explained.

"Oh, my poor boy, I was just teasing," she chuckled at her own remark.

She's weird and a joker, but she's my favorite; she's the most laid-back teacher in our college.

Divye walked past me and sat with his best friend. He gave me death stare.

"I had the same initial thought." his friend laughed.

He playfully kicked him.

"I'm starting the pairings now," she .

She began pairing; she paired Ruhi with Divye, and they both seemed unhappy with the match. I held Ruhi's hand.

"And Pari with Samarth," my heart skipped a beat; Ruhi shot me a murderous look, and I awkwardly smiled.

Sam waved at me, and his smile was gentle. I smiled awkwardly; Divye pricked his hand. Ruhi looked furious.

As the class ended, we headed to the canteen, where Ruhi started crying

I comforted her.

"Why does God hate me?" She hugged me tightly.


We proceeded to practice.

Ms. Twinkle was there; she positioned me and Sam for the dance.

Sam inquired if he could place his hand on my waist; I nodded. He did so.

I glanced at Ruhi; she appeared despondent, so I stepped back. "I apologize, Ms. Twinkle, can we switch partners?"

"Why, sweetheart, are you uncomfortable with him?" she asked.

"No, I'm completely at ease with him, but he's like a brother to me," I lied. Everyone mocked at him. "I believe Ruhi would be better suited with him."

Ruhi and Divye smiled; perhaps Divye didn't want me paired with Sam because he dislikes me.

She seemed puzzled. "I believe everyone is happy with their partners; we can't switch, sweetheart," she shrugged.

"We can. I have no issue with this," Divye spoke up.

Everyone turned to look at him; I was surprised why he wanted to pair up with me.

"I mean, I can make the sacrifice," he shrugged.

Should I write more chapters?

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