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A/N: I have a game for ya'll! Try to guess who said it and in what context!

"Dr. Jack Dawkins.  Oh, you probably don't want to-"

"Elizabeth, or El. I like that name. Thanks."

"Oh, God, you two are the Governor's daughters."

"You must be the famous Dr Jack Dawkins everyone talks so fondly about."

"If you think I can, I will. But you have to help."


"So you're a common thief? Why?"

"Make me the first female surgeon. Let me train under you....and allow Belle to practice nursing there."


"Hold his hand and see him into the next life."

"I punched Darius."

"He said some things about you that were disgusting.  What was I supposed to do?"


"Sorry, is this alright?"

"Just me, darling."

"I happen to have very different beliefs from my family. I happen to think that stealing and gambling are one of the only ways that some people live. My family is snobby when it comes to stuff like that. I don't know why they get so angry, though."

"You are really good at being a doctor, but it doesn't pay.  I understand that you need to break the law to survive.  The only thing I couldn't bear is seeing you get hanged.  I care too much."


"Sneed's making a tilt for Head Surgeon.  It should be you."

"G'night, love."

"I am infatuated with Jack Dawkins.  My heart calls his name."

"There's a dinner tonight to discuss head surgeon. Can you come? For me?"

"For you, I'd do anything and everything."

"You must be the doctor Elizabeth talks so much about."

"Don't hurt her or I'll stab you with my bayonet."

"Wouldn't dream of hurting this princess. She's too perfect."

"You knew, didn't you? That's why you were so quick to defend me."

"No. You're a healer.  You take care of people who can't take care of themselves.  You love the rush of surgeries.  You chose to heal.  Not to steal.  That was a life you were born into, forced into.  It's not who you are."

"So he would hang you! He is looking for any excuse he can! Don't you realize that? I care about you too much. Jack, the truth is that I couldn't bear it if he killed you. I care too much about you and your stupid kindness and selflessness. And your stupid attitude and brilliance. God, I care about your stupid dimples and your stupidly handsome hair. I care about you."

"Lady Elizabeth. And I get it.  You don't care about me.  You have wanted to get me out of your hair since day one, haven't you? That's just brilliant! Utterly brilliant that you think so lowly of women.  So lowly of me.  Well, good night to you Dr. Dawkins.  It hasn't been a pleasure."

Hold My HandHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin