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It was today

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It was today. The New Captain's banquet. The Governor's family was required to attend, much to Elizabeth's chagrin. Standing in the hot sun while she applauded for the man that would kill the love of her life was not ideal.

Edward had been way off. It had been two weeks before a Captain was chosen. Their blonde guard had been assigned a new post as well. He didn't visit. Belle was getting worried.

It had been 10 days since they last saw him, after he apologized profusely for his incorrect estimation and left.

The thing is, neither Belle nor Elizabeth were mad at him. And Fanny didn't really care.

They had barely seen the youngest Fox sister. The redhead stayed in her room. Only their mother could get in to feed her.

Belle and Elizabeth agreed that they hated Oliver Twist. The latter was pretty sure that he had been blackmailing Jack before he left, which made her detest him even more.

Belle strode into Elizabeth's room as she was tying her hair up.

"What should I say?"

The strawberry blonde sighed and turned to her older sister. "Do you even know that he'll be there?"

The brunette shook her head. "Was it something I said?"

Eliza got up and took her panicking sister's hands. "Listen, he's just upset with himself because he guessed wrong. We aren't angry but he thinks we are."

"You're right. Okay." Belle breathed.

"Eliza! Eliza!" Fanny screamed as she ran into the mentioned sister's room.

"Fanny!" She shouted in surprise and immediately hugged her sister. "How are you?"

"Never-mind that! They're hanging Jack today! Daddy just found out."

"What?!" Belle screeched. Elizabeth couldn't say anything. She just covered her mouth with her hand.

"Unless the New Captain agrees to pardon him completely, he will be hanged right after they announce who was elected."

The strawberry blonde's bottom lip wobbled. "No. No. This can't be happening. No."

Belle sighed. "Oh, Beth. I'm so sorry."

The two sisters hugged the now sobbing girl.

Jack. Jack was getting the rope. He didn't deserve it. He was the most selfless and loving person that Elizabeth had come to know. He was her heart. Her life. She had fallen helplessly in love with the surgeon. She couldn't imagine a life without him.

She screamed in agony and collapsed to her knees.

This can't be the end.

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