༒︎Weird symptoms of my research༒︎

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Weird symptoms of my research

Since i started this research, weirdly enough, i have been having some weird symptoms.

*I have been having awful headaches since my 1st day of research (01/04/2023)

*weird noises in my house, others heard them too, 2nd day of research (02/04/2023)

*my e-devices have been glitching like crazy.                                      

-music making static noises, apps closing and opening by themselves, entire laptop glitching, my phone just today turned spotify on by itself and started playing 505-am (not that i complain about the song choice), bad phone and wi-fi signal etc.

*3rd day of research (03/04/2023), my entire body is in pain

*sharp heart pains (keep in mind i have a heart condition, but the only reason my heart hurts so badly is usually anxiety, but at the moment i have nothing that worries me)

*probably nothing to do with my research, but odd enough to be in this list, the weather in my town got dramatically worse with no explanation(03/04/2023)                                                                                                   

 -thunderstorms, fog, rainstorms, cold, very windy, the sky is abnormally white

*i feel very tired, but oddly enough do not want to sleep

*my mum started saying things connected to Him

-"i thought the people in this drawing didn't have faces"

-"that guy looks like Slenderman don't you think?"

*i feel very tired, and i feel like giving up on my research. i won't. (04/04/2023)

*that probably doesn't have to do with my research but i've lost weight?(05/04/2023)

-i hadn't lost weight in a long time, i eat normally and now suddenly my fingers are a lot thinner and longer, and also my ribcage seems to be a lot skinnier and narrower. it is a bit unusual for me to just shrink like that...

*i can't remember my dreams

-i am a person that ALWAYS remembers my dreams. and now i wakeup with an unsettling feeling and no memories of what i had seen...

*i feel very unsettled, scared even for no reason

*i don't feel like interacting with others, i avoid leaving the house which is weird for me (05/04/2023)

*my memory is getting blurry, i forget literally everything from the smallest things to things i should remember

*saw him, was I hallucinating?(06/04/2023)

-I woke up at ca. 6am and saw this human like shadow by the balcony door. I thought nothing of it until it grew taller and taller. I swear it looked like him. Our door is almost 3meters tall. It is entirely possible that since I was not "fully awake" my subconscious mind could have shown me something which was not really there. I acknowledge this to be a distinct possibility, but I am including it because it still influences my thinking.

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