☆monsters we created☆

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"If the tulpa effect is real, shouldn't there be any kind of terrifying creature creeping around?"

Yes, of course. That is the point! The power of thought is insane! Of course most of these creatures haven't come to life, simply because most of us do not believe in their existense in the first place. But the energy of them, has perhaps existed in a way we didn't except.

The exact process that creates a tulpa is not well understood. Sometimes such beings come about after years of practice and meditation followed by an occult ritual. Other times they seem to appear spontaneously, often after their creators suffer traumatic experiences. More often than not, in these cases, the creators are children. A child witnesses something horrific or far too strange for its nascent imagination to comprehend, and ends up creating an imaginary friend to help it sort through the event and protect it from other potential dangers. While most of these imaginary friends are nothing more than figments of her mind, every so often they manifest as tulpas. Some such tulpas are noble creatures that protect the child who created them, but just as many are malicious entities that subtly torment the child. While a tulpa is a creature of thought created by the imagination of another being, it has a will and a mind of its own.

In order to protect itself from banishment or worse, a tulpa often attempts to compel others to think and concentrate on its existence.

Once a tulpa achieves physical form it starts acting rebellious. More often than not, it wants to get out from under the control of its creator. Once created, tulpas have a life of their own. But what is figured out is that since the tulpa is a product of intense and focused belief, if you change what its creator believes, then you change the tulpa itself.

Beings from the crimson-stained Bloody Mary to the unseen friend of childhood imagination, with enough belief are thought to be granted consciousness and with that consciousness,a terrifying reality may yet be born.

Knowing about something doesn't make it want to come after you. People that know more about the Slenderman would become the ones to "spread the word". And therefore become more useful to Him in keeping him real. If He removed everyone that knew about him then he would stop existing. (Maybe this is why he just drives people insane by stalking and observing, he need them to be safe and spread the virus.)

If He is a being created by our own thoughts just imagine what lurks in the dark.

*Are there forces, or entities, out there who are demonic? Yes, and by
demonic I mean they vibrate at a very low level of vibration. Hatred,
malevolence, deceit, purely concentrated negativity. A demon kinda
breaks a threshold when it comes to the "negative" barrier and they do
exude this energy.

*Are there forces, or entites, out there who are angelic? Yes, and by
angelic I mean that are at a very high level of vibration. Generosity,
love, hope, peace, gratitude, purely concentrated positivity. Pure
benevolence with a side of warm apple pie is how I describe it.

You can sense the vibration of their soul. There is absolutely no masquerade when it comes to what they are.

"God itself was a myth, religion itself was a myth, all talk about divinity and spirits was a myth.
People believed in it but it was just a belief. Now if the will of God is so important, it has to be proved."

Imagine being ,,trapped'' in a different dimension where entities don't exist, for you. Think about it, a world full of people that see Slenderman, werewolves, vampires, ect every day. It would be a disaster. Its like a protection. They exist, somewhere around us, but we can not see them, feel them, hear them.

Vampires: Can extend its life by feeding on the (life force) of others. Energy vampires are actually people that have no idea what they are doing, they tend to leave others around them drained, tired and lethargic. When they face a problem, they soak themselves in the issue rather than deal with it constructively. They adopt a self-victimizing mindset, complaining about whatever happens. They are constantly fixated with the doom and gloom of life. Energy vampires who are not intentionally sucking your energy might be often people who are complaining, who you love but they do not share your feelings, who require your attention all the time. You will easily detect them as you experience nervousness and fatigue while having an emotional contact with them.

Blood is also a source of energy. Think of the animals that have been tortured before they have been eaten. The negative energy remains in the blood, and it can be bad for the person that eats it. That's why people tried to imagine the vampires like this, bloodsuckers and dark. You being terrified of this concept makes you a low vibrational being's energy. Just by fearing their existence...you feed them!

(Now think of Vlad the Impaler, or Dracula. He was known for his cruelty and his fondness of impaling people. Because of this, stories circulated about the various activities he partook in, particularly those surrounding blood or feasting on his enemies. Bram stoker a few hundred years in the future, and with some twists, the vampire legend was reborn.)

Werewolves: There are many people that ,,feed'' with the full moon energy without knowing. There is a connection between the moon — particularly the full moon — and human biology or behavior. Reliable studies comparing the lunar phases to births, heart attacks, deaths, suicides, violence, psychiatric hospital admissions and epileptic seizures, among other things, have over and over again found little or no connection.

Poltergeists: often created when traumatized kids externalize their trauma; seems to us that this is a thoughtform. But sometimes other spirits act like poltergeists, so it's hard to nail down the differences. What we do know is that a tulpa isn't anchored to anything the way a spirit is. There's no bones to burn or haunted objects to destroy.

Slenderman: What is more likely is that this energy wants to sound as a being that haunts, drains and is generally dangerous . He wants to sound like this because it creates fear. Energies like His feed on FEAR!

The Boogeyman: a powerful and legendary Tulpa that was made by people's nature to fear the unknown. Originally born as an imaginary being used by adults to scare children into behaving. It is a formless being that can take any shape the storyteller wishes. The Boogeyman is one of the strongest Tulpas to ever exist, personifying the fear of the dark, of the strange, of the unknown.The Boogeyman isn't just some ordinary Boggart that can be expelled through a simple Riddikulus. That thing is a Tulpa, a creature born from the dreams of mankind, or in his case, nightmares. He isn't just some embodiment of fear of the dark, he IS the fear of the dark, of the strange, of the unknown.

"The strongest human emotion is fear.„~ The Boogeyman.

(ᓚᘏᗢ-Do you see the similarities between Slender and the Boogeyman? Quite strange...)

"Determined will is the beginning of all magical operations... It is because men do not perfectly imagine and believe the result, that the arts (of magic) are uncertain, while they might be perfectly certain." -Paracelsus

✮ more information: https://youtu.be/VQgNnTxKuK0?si=diEH7oQwNO-vOPbp , https://youtu.be/rsjnxxSwXZY?si=KjUo-rBbdDGIx4rX and https://eosty.medium.com/what-is-a-tulpa-slender-man-tulpamancy-84caab47f343


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