𓁺Cannock Chase.𓁺

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Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, is already home to  eerie entities known as the "black-eyed children", and now a sighting of the 8ft tall eldritch being has been reported at the same spot.

A paranormal probe has been launched in the Midlands following FOUR sightings of Slender Men – long, stick thin spectres feared around the world. -24 JAN 2015

Cannock Chase is considered by many to be a portal area. It could be that people see whatever they fear most, yet it is the same force or entity that scares them.

Three of the four Slender Men sightings have been INSIDE houses.

"To get so many sightings at roughly the same time is unusual, one theory is that this has nothing to do with the supernatural and eye-witnesses are experiencing sleep paralysis, where individuals' eyes are open but they are still in a state of sleep, and therefore unable to move." said Lee, X files investigator.

"There are reports of Slender Men seemingly pinning victims down, as if sitting on their chest. That could well be down to sleep paralysis."

➵ First report - Pye Green dated 19 December 2014

The witness said:

"I was awoken just before 2am by an odd scratching noise in my bedroom, I instantly sat upright in bed in an attempt to discover whatever was causing the sound." she said.

"To my astonishment, there was what seemed like a sphere-shaped shadow by the edge of my wardrobe. As I tried to get out of bed and investigate further, the shadow began to stretch towards the ceiling.

It was at that point I found myself faced with the most disgusting and horrific creature imaginable.

It was about eight feet tall and had a white face with razor-sharp fangs. It almost looked like a vampire. I fell back into my bed and the creature started moving towards me. Its arms stretched out to almost twice their original length, and I felt claws scraping at my skin. I let out a scream in fear for my life, and the creature retreated back into the corner of my room. It then shrank back down into a ball and slowly faded away."

➵Second report- 27 November 2014  Slitting Mill 

The witness said:

"I don't really know who else to turn to. The weirdest thing happened last night, and I just don't know what to make of it. At half past two in the morning while I was sleeping, I heard a bang that woke me from my dream.

As my eyes opened, I saw a man floating over me. He was so close that I would have headbutted him if I moved an inch.

I could see into his eyes. They were a fierce red colour that shook me to my very core. Although he didn't speak, I knew what he was thinking. It was as though he was talking to me telepathically. He definitely wanted to hurt me, but there was something stopping him. It was almost like he was someone gaining power from scaring me though. Maybe something bad will happen when he gets strong enough? 

For what it's worth, I'm not a nutcase, and I work for a local business of which you will be familiar. It just seemed the anger in his eyes grew stronger as I was feeling more scared. The ordeal ended when the man (who was completely dressed in black with a hat to match) floated higher and higher above my until he hit my ceiling and disappeared."

➵Third report -2nd January 2015 Castle Ring

The only outdoor encounter. (Castle Ring is an Iron Age hill fort that has been a paranormal hub for decades. Druids gather there during the summer solstice.)

The eyewitness stated: 

"While taking a midnight stroll around Castle Ring last Friday morning, I happened to notice a strange figure in the distance.

It appeared to rise out of the trees and hover over the path around 100m in front of me. It was very dark, but I could see it clearly because of the lights coming from Rugeley.

 I don't know if you've ever heard the stories of Spring-Heeled Jack, but if you have, this thing seemed to look pretty similar to all those old artists impressions. It was very dark, but I could see it clearly because of the lights coming from Rugeley.

It was also a pretty clear night. If I were to compare it to anything, I would say it looked like a stereotypical Victorian gentleman - long, black overcoat with a homburg hat. I know this was no flying human because it had blood red eyes that shone in the night sky.

It also had a mouth full of teeth that seemed to look like razors. Whatever it was, it stopped hovering and descended back into the trees. Needless to say, I did not investigate any further."

➵ Comments by the investigator

Brickley said: "As far as the attempted murder case in America goes, I am obviously a little concerned that the increase in Slender Man sightings could bring with them some nasty events. I just beg people who might see this creature to stay calm and keep their heads."

ᓚᘏᗢ  Another theory is that these sightings were simply shadow people (see my other chapter). Unlike Slenderman, the shadow people have been sighted by a large number of witnesses around the globe, and these sightings have been documented by multiple investigators. The shadow people have been variously described as wearing a hat, being red-eyed and even having teeth. Following the sightings, people have even reported symptoms of sleep paralysis. Thus, what today seems to be the ramblings of the Slenderman-obsessed common population may well be documented sightings of shadow people.

➵ More on Cannock Chase

 "Whether he absorbs, kills, or merely takes his victims to an undisclosed location or dimension is also unknown as there are never any bodies or evidence left behind in his wake.

His face is pale and slightly ghostly and almost appears to have been wrapped in a type of gauze or cloth. His facial features are also an object of debate and many people believe that his face looks different to each person, if it is seen at all."

Meanwhile Cannock Chase has made the headlines repeatedly over alleged sightings of the "black-eyed child."

ᓚᘏᗢ  Theory: Could it be that children He abducts turn out to be the black-eyed-children everyone seems to have witnessed? 

Information found here: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/01/26/slender-man-haunting-british-beauty-spot-cannock-chase_n_6545294.html


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