Meeting 1

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Hriday was sitting in harshad's office,
It is simple but elegant office with not much of fancy things like hriday's office had but whatever harshad office contains are one of masterpiece.

Like the vase kept on teapoy that was action in France and kalyani bhabhi had won that auction, it is a world famous artist shio kusaka's Work.

Kalyani bhabhi is fan of collecting architects and harshad bhaisa he dont know anything about architect.

when he called that vase as fuldani kalyani bhabhi was burning like volcano , man how much different are they both from each other but still there bond is something unique.

Thinking this hriday chuckled that incident was really hilarious.

His eyes travel on other things which are making this dull office lively.

The painting on the wall. It was paining of one lioness and a fawn ( deers baby)
That wild creature was licking that fawns head lovingly, like it don't want to eat it, more like it was giving motherly love to that baby. That baby is looking fondly at lioness like it won't be getting scared of her, but more like it felt protected around that wild creature, like mother.

Well when harshad bhaisa first time watched this painting he had commented on bhabhis painting,
"Are wah lion is having dinner."
( Wow! Lion having dinner.)
Well at that time not only bhabhisa but mom and badi ma also had scolded harshad Bhai so much.

Well why not, anyone can guess watching that painting, artist was referring to mother and childs bond with so much affection in that beautiful painting, telling is, mother can be fierce but for its children she always held soft spot.

Just like his mother she is fierce to everyone but softy for her children.

He had behaved very rudely with her, well she was wrong at that time. so it's okay. But misbehaving with her is not okay and he understands that but... His mother was also at a wrong side, you can't judge people by their any shortcomings.

But something is Missing from his eyes what is that.

He had called his Both brothers for urgent meeting in harshad bhaisa's office. It's important they had to know about this as soon as possible. They had suffered too much cause of that ba***rd.
They are coming , they had informed him about their arrival.

He was still thinking about the things which are happening recently, but got out of his thoughts . when he heard office door got opened and then got locked after a while. and both harshad and nirbhay came looking at him angrily.

"Idiot, why did you call me at night, now you also have wife can't you spend time with her and let me spend time with my beutiful wife."
Harshad spoke harshly to hriday settling himself on sofa opposite of hriday.

Harshad can be serious and polite in just in front of media and outsiders as a politician he had to control his every move and now he is going to be a chief minister of Rajasthan. He should have to always be polite smiling always and looked calm.

Only his people, who work under him and are rivals of him knows how much dangerous this smiling faced Devil is.
He dont kill anyone, well he had killed, but he doesn't like to kill anyone. He was mastermind of politics and a responsible son for his family, his true nature is only known by his father, uncle's, brothers and his darling wife who is his partner in crime.

Nirbhay sat near harshad he was not looking pleased by disturbing his time with his wife, but he will not voice it out.
Well he can but he value time more than Anything he dont like when someone waste his time, he was punctual and does his work as fast as he can.
Killing also, as a doctor he killed his victims, as soon as possible so that they can not distrub his peace, while wasting his precious time.
Being a top most cardio surgeon is not a thing which can obtained by wasting time like water.
He is head surgeon in singhania hospital under his father.
An Angel who saved so many lives of the patients, his patients.

"Come to the point hriday. why are we here?"
Nirbhay like always direct to the point. No time waste.

"I killed Both Sharma brother..."
Hriday stated and after two full second,
harshad shouted at him.

"Hriday who you killed?, and how you torture them? we are not least interested in knowing that and we don't want to listen okay! now come to the point right now."
Harshad shouted angrily on him.

Taking a long breath hriday looked at sealing, then after three seconds he looked at his Both brothers


One word ,

only one word

and Both harshad and nirbhay sat straight in the sofa.

"What happened?"
Nirbhay asked in his no nonsense , sharp voice.
Harshad also looking at hriday with same expressions which are screaming anger, pure anger.

Antonio that man was the cause of riots and bomb blasts happened five years back, in which more than five hundred people died.
They were not only adults in it, there ware children and old people and women also.

Anger is what oozing from all three of their eyes. It was terrific to even think of that time period when that man entered in their life like tornado and tried to harm them like burning volcano .

"He is back.
Sharma told me that he wanted to get some information regarding the project we are going to do with Agnihotri's.
He asked them to steal it, but they got caught and now are no more."
Hriday stated very calmly opposite of his nature when he was doing any business in his work place.
He was calm , like calm before storm .

Nirbhay looked at harshad he knows very well how much Both brothers got affected due to what happened in the past cause of that fu**er Antonio.

Harshad had lost his 8 trusted men's while saving the state from those bomb blasts, which ware planted all over Rajasthan.
Many people died cause of riots ware planed by his rival party with ministrations of Antonio.

Nirbhay placed his hand on harshad's shoulder to take him out of his thoughts.

"What's more?"
Harshad asked in calm voice..
He is distributed by the news of that person's entry in his life again but that doesn't mean he will lose his composure for that not so important person.

"Antonio was making a move, he wanted to export cocaine from Africa his base to India in within a month."
Hriday dictate very slowly.
It was like he was saying something, so not much important thing , but his voice whenever he took that person's name, oozing disgust like he was taking some pests name.

"Within a month. Why?
There must be special reason for him to do this things such hastily that also within a month."
Nirbhay who was always calm and composed like ocean spoke.
He suspected that Antonio must have some alterative motive .

"He was trying to get drugs in India from almost seven months now. but was failing due to our protection team. I got to know about the attempts, but who was behind it, I can't found out. now, I got the lead and all of them directed to only him, that Antonio."
Hriday Said everything which was necessary.

"Elections are coming."
Taking a long breath harshad said and this caught Both brothers attention.

"He wants to do something in elections, may be buying people with drugs."
Harshad concluded.

"Hriday, he must be wanted to create problems in rally and in elections. We have to be prepared and tackle him as soon as possible. He can make bomb blasts just like he did last time. we can't neglect any possible threat."
Harshad spoke in dominate way, it's not like he always talk in this way but Antonio is the mafia and drug dealer. who had created serious crimes in India and very well known for his deeds which are unforgivable.

"But if we got distracted by those things. he will get chance to attack our family, just like he did last time."
Nirbhay stated, he was well aware of that bas**d who had tried to harm his family last time he dont want to take risk this time. No way in the hell he will let him loose.

"Nirbhay Bhai, rest assured. I had taken prior major, we will not let him harm our family, this time, no way."
Hriday stated in affirmative way, and started to discuss about the security management he had done for family members.

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