Hell 1

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In the baby pink bridal lehenga, with pink bangles and pink dimond classy jwellery, a woman is staring in the mirror.

Her eyes are red and swollen and look is hazy, her body was feeling weak maybe due to drugs.

Some one shouted her name and she twirling in her lehanga looked behind her.

How she landed here.


Two days ago...

Mugdha was seated in the car, she didn't open the window even if she is feeling suffocating, a wave of nausea hit her she took the antiemetic tablet to not puke in the car, which was behind Arjun Agnihotri and Anand Agnihotri's car, as her Both brothers have came to take her for pag phera to Pune, after month of her marriage.

Yes after month.

These people must have forgotten about her existence and will be living happily that they forgot that something like this also happens in Hindu religion wedding.

It's okay. other than Abasaheb Agnihotri and his wife no one actually believe in God in that hell called Agnihotri's mansion.

Mugdha was favourite of Iravati Agnihotri, cause only she was willing to do Puja every day in Agnihotri's mansion, as per rules. mugdha was not doing this for to be in her good books but she genuinely believe in God.

For her God is always her guide and she was always put him above her.

This devotion towards God had made her life atleast bearable as she always thought that everything is happening with her is due to some reason as she had to walk on the path that god had given her.

And after marriage she was feeling so much good and happy that she was started to forget about the hell she had lived, but no one can ditch the fate, can anyone?

So that's why here mugdha is heading towards the hell again.

Mugdha didn't tell hriday about the behaviour of the Agnihotri's towards her as she still not able to fully believe him.
It's not like she is not giving her best, she is. She had accepted him as her husband after the talk with dadisa ( bhavna singhania)
But still she is not able to trust him Fully due to her past.

In this whole month Both of them are came closer, as whole singhania's and their staff had learnt sign language just so they can communicate with mugdha easily.
It's felt so special for mugdha.

After returning from swarn mahal and shifting in Jodhpur Rajasthan. Mugdha felt her life is really going to be normal, as she was started to attend her classess and helping Mayuri and latika with their work regarding NGO's and schools and then her self defense training with hriday Agnihotri.

She liked to spend her time with hriday now, it is not as awkward as it was in the beginning, mugdha is still get scared of him from time to time when he was barking on someone especially his staff, with his all angry voice, ready to chop them off for their blunders. Even if he had not shown his anger in front of mugdha. But living in one house you have to face this from time to time.

In this one month mugdha started to understand hriday he is not that much complicated person, but he needs everything under control, he doesn't appreciate disobedience, and really have hard hatred towards betrayars. Mugdha understand that it is for family protection but singhania's security is really too tight.

She can go anywhere but had to take all the bodyguards with her. So she avoided that as much as possible, cause she didn't had the habit of walking on the road with twenty bodyguards surrounding her.

Hriday always makes sure she is happy and for that he planned dates for her time to time.

That can't be regarded as dates actually, as they goes in amusement park or water park or disny land.

Mugdha understand that Hriday's thoughts about date's and other things are different.

But she enjoyed her time with him.

And she really tried her hard to not get angry on him for anything as when ever she even pretended to be angry on him, he had made a feast for her with his own hands and mugdha's heart melted after eating his hand made food.

She is not that much selfish to make him cook for her with his precious hands so she started to not get angry on him.

But now they both had made lot progress as both sleep while cuddling and every day before going to office mugdha hugging hriday.

Yes that's it.

Nothing more.

But it's relaxing for them.

One thing mugdha didn't like about Hriday that he didn't believe in God, no he doesn't disrespect God, he even also made sure to be present at every Puja, every day. but he dont actually believe in God.

Whole family understand that he is just doing the rituals for the sake of family members, and no one said anything to him. Nor mugdha also, she understand it's his personal choice, if he wanted to believe in God or not, she is happy that he, only for his family doing this, but atleast he didn't disrespect God.

She liked how without asking mugdha to learn something new, hriday will teach her self defense Technics, so that she can without using much strength will tackle the enemy. And she also met chitra who was in same class as her in Bhavna University, jodhpur.

Chitra is so cute and bubbly girl who always had her heartwarming smile, she is so beautiful and understanding that even if she didn't know how to communicate with mugdha she will make mugdha comfortable around her.

Hriday had always called Chitra as chita.
Mugdha didn't understand why such a cute chimni (small chirping bird) should be called as something fierce. But when she makes handshake with chitra her doubt started to erase.

Chitra even if she looked like a harmless bird is not as easy to handle as it seems.

And her reflexes, when she catch the falling vermilion box, which slipped from mugdha's hands. mugdha confirmed it, this girl is really something.

After hriday and Arjun's fight it is first time mugdha is meating Arjun, but he didn't talk with her so she is relaxed. And a wave of relief washed over her.

Anand Agnihotri had given mugdha a warm smile and made sure that she is comfortable in the flight as well as in car.

Mugdha was meeting with Anand first time, actually they had conversation first time.
And it's felt like family, like the connection she felt with singhania's just like that.

Sure maithili didi was always eager for Anand dada's arival.
And now mugdha can also met her, as right now Both brother and sister duo is residing in Agnihotri's mansion in Pune.

But mugdha's heart was pounding with ecstasy, in this family only Abasaheb Agnihotri and Iravati Agnihotri had accepted her as atleast family member and now, only they are supposed to asked for her to come but after the dispute between Abasaheb and her why would he asked her to come back.

Mugdha's chain of thoughts got broke by driver, who asked her to get down no respect no politeness pure displeasure in his voice.

"Welcome to hell your self mugdha once again."
Saying this in her mind mugdha got down from car.


It's a leap

So ,



Enjoy reading.

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