Pleasure in fear

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Ana's POV
(As he instructed Ana to get out of art room and leave ...she quickly lifted up her bag and rushed out of art room)

*While walking out of school corridor*

Fuck ....this is the worst day of my life ...I can't believe the first man I meet in this fucking school is a fucking murderer...
I have a very shitty luck I can't believe this...I'm so fucking stuck in this shithole... And what did he mean by "punishment"...shit I'm gonna die....what the fuck--
A sudden bump into a man makes her jump in panic and she looked at the person she bumped into...

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bump into was an accident" I tried to convince him ...It was another teacher I bumped into ...I was frightened to death to find out that he was another serial killer roaming around the school waiting for a prey....but he wasn't...I was paranoid...

"Oh it fine kid...just keep your eyes ahead while walking...wait the way what are you doing in the school at this hour ?..the school is about to be closed .."...He checked me out from top to bottom and concluded that I was a student...he was indeed dumb...but hold on a sec...this voice is's that teacher who saved me from that psychopath...he was the one knocking the door...

"Hey are you listening...? What are you doing here at this time?" He waved his hand around my face to pull me out of the whirlpool of my thoughts...I jumped on his boat ..he pulled me out of the whirlpool and now I had to think of an excuse...I can't just tell him that I found out a body and the teacher before was going to slit my throat...but wait ... he's going to kill me anyways ..why shouldn't I ask for help ..maybe he'll help me...

I built up some courage and spoke up
"Um sir...I have to tell you something...I--!" A sudden hand out of my behind lands on my shoulder ...a chill shivered down my spine...It was definitely him ...I turned around and saw my roomie who was going to pick me up before. ..oh thank fucking God !! I can get the fuck out of here...!!

I held her wrist and walked out of there as if nothing happened...both of them were clueless of what was the we reached the gate ,my roomie (addie) turned towards me held my both shoulders firmly and made a very piercing eye contact....maybe she found out something was troubling me .. she's a good friend...

With a serious look and no blinking she asked me "what's going on Anne?...are you look pale...and pretty terrified "...

she understands me.... except for the fact I make it too obvious with my behaviour... seriously I need therapy...she is my therapist for real...

I took a long breath and spoke up "I'm good it's nothing....I just got anxious for my first day and you know how timid I am around people...I get nervous addie...that's all..."

"Hmm okay but you sure? There's no prob right?"she reassures..

"Nah I'm good now that I have a friend like you ..who can calm me down and make me feel comfortable " I gave her my word that I was okay...but I wasn't ..I didn't want to drag her into this mess... she's a good person...she doesn't deserve this mess ...

(They walked out of the campus and drove off to a cafe )

*They are sitting in the cafe as their daily weekend routine*

" know what tomorrow is right?.." Addie said in a low voice..
I didn't know what it was as my mind was indulged in the incident that took place earlier..."Um sorry But I think I forgot " I said awkwardly while scratching my cheek with my index finger...
"Tomorrow I'll be going to visit my parents... they're looking for a groom for me..." She groans ..."I really hate this shit...I don't wanna marry anyone...I just wanna earn and live...that's all" she takes a sip of her cold coffee ..."it's okay .... you'll get used to it and after all loving someone isn't bad ..." I said to make her feel okay about it...
She stared at me and said "Oh do you know anything about love ... perhaps you must have a boyfriend?"...she asks in a teasing tone ...with a blank face I reply with a straight no.(Period)...
We spent a bit more time and left the cafe

*At night in Ana's room , it's 11:30pm
All the lights were shut and Ana was laying on the bed and looking at the ceiling sinking into her own thoughts...*

Shit ...I'm so scared for tomorrow...what should I do ...I don't wanna be punished....I don't wanna die ...I don't even deserve it ..why does it has to be always me ..wait ...will he cut me up? ..organ trafficking?... torture?....shit!shit!shit!

Ana's Phone buzzes

The fuck!!....who could it be right now ...who's calling me ... I looked at it it was a unknown number ....a weird one...I decided to decline it ...

Another vibrates

Shit ...who is it? ....I really don't wanna deal with this bullshit right now ...I'm so fucking tired from today's experience already..

(She puts her phone on silent so that she won't feel the vibration)

I'm probably overthinking it ..I need sleep...
I closed my eyes for sometime hoping to fall asleep....

(She's half asleep with her eyes closed)

I feel something.... something touching this a dream....oh the touch is really soft and delicate..... someone stroking my hair?...oh I feel like a baby....shit I just wanna feel this forever...I love this...oh...mhmm....
It ..hurts...but it's pleasurable..... something is stinging me in my neck....oh ..

*Suddenly she opened her eyes to find out--?*

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