Episode 1: Snow

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We were awaken by a loud knock on our door. "You heard that too?" I asked.
"Yeah." Bigby said. We got up and went to the door. I opened it. "Bigby! Y/n!"
"Snow?" Bigby asked, surprised Snow was here. Snow was in a blue dress wearing a white jacket. "Come with me. Now." She said. We left our room and we followed her. "Snow?" I called out. She didn't listen.
"Snow!" Bigby said.
"Sorry. I'm...what is it?" She asked.
"Where we going?" Bigby asked.
"Am I in trouble?" I asked.
"No. We're just heading to the front of the building. Theres-" Snow stopped when we saw someone come around the corner. "Hi." He simply said.
"Hello. Good morning. Or...evening." Snow said.
"Ha. Yeah." He added. We walked past him. "These walls are paper thin." Snow said as we got to the elevator. "We'll talk outside." She added as the door opened.

We got outside the apartment and saw a jacket on the stairs. "Is there something under that?" I asked.
"Yeah...Y/n, you might wanna look away. Considering you're...you know..." Snow said.
"I'm sure i can take it." I said. Bigby moved the jacket and we saw the head of the prostitute from earlier. Her head was hacked off by the neck. There was blood on the stairs. "No..." Bigby said.
"Oh God, i..." I walked away and covered my mouth.
"She's not a Mundy you knew, right?" Snow asked me.
"She's not a Mundy...no..." I said. "Just didn't expect to see that." I said shakily. Snow put a hand on my shoulder and patted it. She was trying to comfort me.
"She was a prostitute. She was with The Woodsman. He attacked her. I stepped in. Then he threatened to kill us both." Bigby told her.
"You don't think he..." Snow started.
"I don't think anything yet. Y/n, if you gotta vomit, go to a bush and get it out now. Help me examine her head." Bigby told me.
"I'm not gonna be sick. This is sick to me, but I'll..." I gulped. "I'll be fine." I said. I went back to Bigby and the head.
"It's terrible. It...took me a second to realize what i was even looking at." Snow told us.
"Who found her?" Bigby asked.
"I did. She was just like this. I grabbed Grimble's jacket to cover her with... then... I came to get you two." Snow told us.
"Where's her body?" I asked.
"I don't know. All I found was her head." Snow said.
"Damn. Who would do something like this?" I asked.
"Did one of us... do this?" Snow asked.
"There hasn't been a murder in Fabletown in a long time. Since before we met Y/n." Bigby said.
"Then we shouldn't make a panic yet." I told Bigby. I grabbed her eyelids and pulled them down. One of them went back up. I grabbed it again and closed it. I looked at her. "Strange cut. And very clean." I said, looking at her neck. "What could've done this?"
"Something very sharp that could hack through even the bone in one quick slash, or something with magic." Bigby told me and Snow.
"Whats that in her mouth?" I asked. Bigby pulled it out. It was her ribbon with a ring tied to it. A strange symbol was on the ring. "She was placed here for us to find." Bigby said.
"So then maybe it was another fable who did this." I said. "Mundane World humans can be real assholes, but they wouldn't do this." I told Bigby and Snow.
"We believe you, Y/n." Snow said. "This is so surreal. What should we do next?"
"We should investigate the area." Bigby said. He started looking around. "I'm gonna try to find her body. Maybe it's around here." I told Snow. I started looking around in the bushes, around trees, but i found no body. I went back to Snow. "Well?" She asked. I shook my head. We looked at the head. "We should move her." Snow said.
"Yeah..." I said.
"She'll be in the books, I'm sure of it." Snow said. Bigby came to us. "This might be a message." I told him.
"A message?" Snow questioned.
"Yeah. The placement of the head...its exact. Purposeful. She was placed here precisely for us to find. All of us." Bigby said.
"I suppose so. The killer wanted us to know what they did." Snow said. "I'm gonna have to tell Crane."
"I guess it's useless to drag it out." Bigby said.
"I wouldn't hold my breath about him being rational." I told Snow.
"I'm not." Snow said.
"Take her head back to Dr Swineheart. He can take a look at it." Snow told us. "I'll meet you two at the business office." She went back inside.
"Okay..." I said. I put the jacket back over her head. "Please pick it up." I told Bigby. He grabbed the wrapped head. "Let's go." He said.

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