Episode 2: Closure

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Wr arrived at The Trip Trap. Holly and Gren were there along with another guy. Jack. Helluva talker. The guy from the beanstalk fable. Holly and Gren looked worried and Holly put the glasses and the alcohol away. "You can relax. We're not here to start anything." Bigby said.
"Miss White. I heard you had a strange morning." Jack told Snow.
"Been kind of a strange morning for all of us." Snow commented. Jack went to Bigby and inspected us. "Every time I see this guy he seems to lose weight. It's amazing, it really is. He loses weight and yet somehow keeps all the muscle." Jack said as he put an arm around him. "Wolfie, my dear, how are you?" Bigby walked to the bar. Gren and Holly looked worried. "Because we were just talking about you." Snow and I went to the bar as well and Jack stepped aside to give me space. "Well Jack, I'm doing terrific, thank you for asking." I said.
"Right, sorry Y/n." He said.
"We need to talk to Holly privately." Bigby said.
"Alright, I'll go after I hear about the body that came out of the East River this morning. It was a Fable, right? Everyone knows."
"TweedleDee was just here." Gren told us, changing the subject, thank god.
"Are you sure it wasn't his brother, TweedleDum?" I asked.
"Yes. He told us you kept him locked up for no earthly reason. He said you guys tortured him." Jack told us. "Which... I dunno, that seems like a breach of your legislative duties. You can't be so dumb to-"
"Jack! Find the off button! Now." Holly told him.
"Listen Jack, we didn't touch Dee. All we did was pour out his alcohol and stub out his cigar." I told him.
"What is it with you two?" Jack asked. "You and Gren are all 'Let's start a posse together,' when theres no one around. But when the Big Bad Wolf and his buddy walk in your tails go between your legs. What happened?"
"I don't want anymore trouble. So just stop revving his motor or wait outside or fuck the Hell off, i don't care which." Holly told Jack off.
"Bigby, Y/n, two fables are dead. And shit, Gren's sister--"
"Holly's sister." Gren snarled.
"Holly's sister had been missing for days now and we haven't heard word one about it." Jack finished.
"By the way...have there been any updates?" Holly asked.
"Holly...damn it, I don't know how to say this...Bigby, can you tell her?" I said. I wanted to say but i couldn't. I always lose confidence no matter how much I tell myself I can do it.
"Yeah...Holly, we...the woman we found in the river..." Bigby said to her.
"Who was it?"
"You know who it was."
Holly looked away from us all. "Boy i sure walked into that one." Jack said, not helping in the slightest.
"If you say one more fucking thing, just one more thing!" Gren threatened.
"It's all right, Gren." I told him. "I'll be escorting Jack out."
"What? The hell you will." Jack said. I went behind him and started pushing at his back. I kept pushing him to the door. "Don't come back tonight, loud mouth." I said to him as I opened the door and pushed him out. I slammed the door on him.
"God fuckin damn it! Of course the Princess Snow fucking White is fine!" Gren yelled as i went back around. "Where were you two when we reported this weeks ago, huh? Where are you when we ever fucking need you?!" Gren got up. "If you gave one ounce of a shit about her, about any of us, she might've been saved! She might've been cared for! She might've been- -" Holly shattered a glass and bottle of whiskey with her hands. She exhaled. "I'm sorry, Holly. I'm sorry we found Lily this way. I wish this had ended up better." Bigby told her.
"Holly, we have a slight inkling of how you're feeling. I'm sorry this is how this went." I added. Holly went to sit in a chair next to the pool table. Snow approached her. "Holly?"
"Get the fuck outta my bar." Holly told Snow. Snow gave Holly a brooch. Perhaps it was Lily's. "Gren? Take off for a while, will ya?" Holly said.
"Are you sure?" He asked. Holly gave a nod. Gren left The Trip Trap. "I didn't talk with her much. I don't know much about her life at all." Holly told us. "All I knew is after she got off the drugs, she worked at that shit hole club, The Pudding and Pie. The one with Georgie as the owner."
"We should ask the owner about Lily." I told Bigby.
"I should head to the Business Office. Theres this old troll tradition where we burn the dead by morning light." Holly said.
"I promise you'll get her body." Bigby said. Holly nodded. Snow stuck around with Holly and we left The Trip Trap.

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