Chapter 17: The Family Arrives

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A short while later, the doctor and nurses had left Camille and Clarisse alone with their mother in the hospital room

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A short while later, the doctor and nurses had left Camille and Clarisse alone with their mother in the hospital room. Clarisse settled into the lounge chair beside Isabelle's bed, holding her mother's hand. She bowed her head as she prayed silently, her eyes shut.

Camille was in another chair nearby, reading a book on her phone. The only noise that they could hear was Isabelle's slow breathing and the soft, steady beeping of the machines that she was hooked to.

It wasn't long before their grandparents and uncle arrived at the hospital. However, they first had to prove with authentic identification that they were a part of Isabelle's family and asked where her room was. The receptionist then told them the room number.

After Catelyn hastily thanked her, they rushed down the halls. And when they got to the right door, they pushed it open and barreled inside, startling Camille.

"AH!" she screamed in surprise, jumping up from her seat. She nearly knocked her iPad to the floor and looked around, her eyes briefly unfocused. She placed a hand over her heart as she slowly recognized her family. "Oh, thank goodness you guys are here! I'm so sorry I freaked out. I almost didn't recognize you."

Her cheeks were colored red with embarrassment as she looked down at her shoes, ashamed by her outburst. Her grandfather and uncle were shocked, their breathing labored. However, her grandma Catelyn recovered and came over to her.

"Oh, it's okay, dear. I understand. You've had a rough night," she said soothingly.

Camille smiled hesitantly.

"Thanks for understanding, Grandma, but I just didn't want to give Grandpa a heart attack. Or cause Uncle Liam to pee his pants."

Catelyn chuckled, causing her son to shake his head at her. She then pulled her granddaughter into a hug for a few moments until Liam's irritated voice floated over from the doorway. They disentangled themselves from each other to see him leaning against the doorframe, his arms folded.

"Well, that's great, but can Dad and I come in?"

Camille's eyes widened in surprise at her uncle's tone but nodded all the same. As Liam walked past her, Catelyn swatted the back of her son's head for his rudeness. He grimaced in pain and rubbed it while scowling in his mom's direction. Camille ignored the interaction before shutting the door behind them.

"I was so worried you guys wouldn't show up!" Camille's voice was relieved as her grandfather swept her into a big hug.

She settled into his warm embrace, throwing her arms around his shoulders. She hugged him back tightly. They stayed like that for several moments, her grandma and uncle looking on sympathetically. When he finally let her go, he kissed her forehead before sitting her back down on the floor.

His weathered face stretched into a sad smile, and his eyes, a shade of cornflower blue, stared down at her with kindness behind his glasses.

"Well, we're here now, sugar bean. It's just that the traffic was terrible; there were a lot of accidents. But we came to check up on you two and your mom. Then we or your Uncle Liam will take you home with us for the night. That is, would you prefer to go home with Clarisse?" He left the decision in her hands, aware of her emotional conflict.

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