╰┈➤ xiii. final week of fifth year

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CHAPTER THIRTEEN🍂 ୧ final week of

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🍂 ୧ final week of . . .
   fifth year ও🦌

JAMES LAUNCHED HIS ATTEMPT at fooling the Slytherin boy with one loud expression, as he delivered the phrase, "All right, Snivellus?" James's loud tone captured the boy's attention, who then lifted his head up, as his attention was drawn to the du...

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JAMES LAUNCHED HIS ATTEMPT at fooling the Slytherin boy with one loud expression, as he delivered the phrase, "All right, Snivellus?" James's loud tone captured the boy's attention, who then lifted his head up, as his attention was drawn to the duo that approached him.

He was swift and nimble, as Snape reacted at seemingly unimaginable levels of speed. Upon the exclamation, he instantly dropped his bag and proceeded to bring his wand out, halfway into the air, before James had even gotten a chance to finish the statement of his spell. However, before he could fire, James cried out the incantation, "Expelliarmus!" which successfully removed the wand from Snape's hand.

James' shout drew the attention of the crowd nearby, and the first to take notice was Autumn. However, with a sense of impending danger, halted her movements, as she had intended to join in with the rest of the group, but felt a chilling sensation run down her spine. She then noticed that the remainder of her friends had left to investigate what James and Sirius were doing, leaving her as the only person remaining behind.

The female suddenly felt an unfamiliar feeling, as her vision blurred, and it felt as though her body was being infiltrated by a strong external sensation. The female was unable to maintain control, and her senses were slowly slipping away.

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