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(irl + imessage)

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(irl + imessage)

"Charlotte please turn that down." Annie called from the other room.

"Why?" I said plainly.

"Because that music is so depressing. How do you get ready with Scott Street playing in the background?" Annie questioned.

"Shut up, it's good." I said.

Annie stumbled into my room, rubbing her eyes. Her hair was a mess and I knew she had just woken up. Annie and I had been roommates together for years now and I definently had gotten used to her lateness. We have been friends since middle school and I used to have to crawl through her window to wake her up and get her ready in the mornings.

Annie and I both grew up in New York City so when we told our parents we wanted to go to Iowa for college they were in shock. I was in shock too but Annie wanted to go to Iowa so badly that she ended up forcing me to go with her and honestly, I have no regrets.

"Get ready. I'm not waiting for you." I said.

"Rude." Annie blurted out, slowly walking back towards her room.

It was the first week of school and I'd already gotten homework for some classes, which is ridiculous. This year would be my last one at Iowa which also meant it was the end of my lacrosse legacy here, but that also meant I would be able to start professional once I graduated.

I guess I'm well known, I'm the best on the lacrosse team and I'm a very social person. I usually have to stop and say hi to like twenty people on my way to class, which Annie gets very annoyed with.

I finished getting ready and grabbed my bag, walking towards the kitchen and grabbing my keys from the counter.

"Bye Annie!" I called out.

"Bye bye." Annie said.

I took the elevator out of my building and then got in my car, driving to campus. My apartment was only five minutes away from campus which wasn't bad at all. Once I got to campus I had some time before my first class so I went into a bathroom to check my makeup.

"Hey Char!" I heard a voice call out.

I looked into the mirror, seeing the reflection of one of my best friends, Parker.

"Parker!!!" I exclaimed, turning to her and giving her a huge hug. I haven't seen her since we left for summer break since she lives in Nashville.

"Oh my god, have you seen the new position that opened up?" Parker asked.

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