23 - bus

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(irl + imessage)

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(irl + imessage)

The girls had an away game tomorrow, the drive was three hours.

Kylie and I were sat together on the bus, Kylie was scrolling through TikTok and so I watched with her. I promised myself I wouldn't use my own phone this whole bus ride since I was basically on it every living moment of my life. Kylie and I were loudly laughing at stupid TikToks, specifically the ones that had like 2 likes. Next to us on the other side of the middle aisle were Kate and Jada and in front of those two were Parker and Caitlin.

"You guys are so loud." Jada complained.

"Parker hasn't woken up yet so I personally don't think we're loud enough." I said.

Parker was currently fast asleep, her head on Caitlin's lap.

An hour went by. I stared straight in front of me, bored out of my mind.

Kylie stuck her phone camera in my face, posting a picture to her private story on Snapchat.

"Kylie I swear to god." I said.

Kylie just laughed at me and started snapping people back. God, I hated watching Kylie snap people, the head tilt to the side, the weird eyes staring at the camera, it was definitely not a sight I wanted to see right now. So I decided to look at a sight I did want to see, Kate Martin.

Kate sat comfortably with a blanket on top of her. She had her headphones on as she scrolled on her phone. Kate was always so peaceful and calm, definitely the complete opposite of me.

Kate made eye contact with me. "What happened?" She asked innocently.

"Nothing." I laughed. I had just scared the poor girl just by looking at her. She always thought she was in trouble.

"Oh." Kate shrugged, going back on her phone.

"Kylie, kick my seat one more time and I'm gonna kick you in the face." A voice called out from directly in front of Kylie. Then a head popped up, Gabbie's. She gave Kylie a death stare before sitting back down. Kylie just laughed and lightly kicked Gabbie's seat again.

"Kylie!" Gabbie yelled.

"I didn't mean to." Kylie lied.

I laughed at the argument, opening up my MacBook and going onto YouTube. Kylie and I were both obsessed with watching police body-cam videos so I put one on, giving Kylie one of my AirPods.

Three minutes into the video and Kylie and I had already found something hilarious, we were obnoxiously cracking up and everyone was looking at us.

"Sorry." I shrugged, trying to contain my laughter.

Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? - Kate MartinWhere stories live. Discover now